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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



I think Ryan yelling at Marissa he’s finally getting pent up stuff from their relationship out, but it was the wrong time to do it. He’s also running from his relationship with her straight to Lindsey. he bounces from wanting to be back with Marissa when he gets back from Chino to then dating Lindsey and feeling “so strongly” about her which I don’t buy. he’s almost just trying to throw the problems in her face let’s just blame marissa but I think Lindsay is capable of making her own choices and you don’t get to blame other people for drinking. Lindsay is able to choose whether or not she wants to do something so I don’t think that’s necessarily fair. I so agree with you on Marissa having too many story lines and giving all of this tragic drama to her. I get that she supposed to be written as the teen angst nobody understands me girl but they could’ve spread the drama out to other people as well I feel like nothing happens to Seth and summer up to now and everything happens to Ryan and Marissa and it’s a lot! But hey it’s a teen drama from the 2000s! Also I’m not a Lindsay or Alex lover that’s even a stretch I really really don’t like Lindsey and I could really do without Alex so you can imagine some of these episodes for me I’m just a 6 or 7 on most of them. which is crazy because I am an OC super fan


Lindsay's insecurities are not only because of Marissa's good looks, but also her social status, wealthy family and designer clothes. That's why she's the Cosmo Girl in Lindsay's eyes AND she's Ryan's ex. I would honestly feel a bit intimidated too, even though I know those things don't matter and I'm 10 years older than Lindsay.


Summer may look like she's just wearing jeans and a t-shirt, but hey, they're designer. There's a difference there 🙈


Marissa is a lot taller than Summer, like 7 inches. But she is skinnier. And she's a bit taller than Ryan.


In defense of Seth, Alex did play on a lot of his insecurities. I understand why he acted the way he did, even though I do think he was over the top. Plus Alex never really did break up with the Jodi girl and moves on immediately which sucks. I am though 100% on Marissa's side on this one. Lindsey is a big girl and she decided to drink even though Marissa said she doesn't judge people who don't drink. Marissa is not her keeper and she can't really tell anyone to not drink when she does so heavily, so yeah, none of this is her fault. Ryan is a jackass this episode. But Zach not. I mean Summer didn't even talk about what was bothering her and instead she blew him off and hanging out with HIS TEAMMATE on her girl's night out. Summer definitely has the biggest share of the fault when concerning Zach.. So Zach is most definitely not a jackass in this episode.

PamPam and her PamPams

I never understood the obssession this show has with Marissa's looks, she is too skinny and imo only pretty in season 1. Lindsay's insecurities about Marissa just make her character more annoying than it already is tbh, if she cant stand to be around Marissa then she should either tell Ryan or break up, but she has no voice and lets Ryan get her into all these uncomfortable situations, its so stupid. And it is SO weird that Marissa has 3 pictures framed on her dresser and all 3 are romantic ones with Ryan. I'd be pissed.


Would foi consider reacting to one three Hill someday? I would love to see that ;)


Marissa‘s character is written essentially parallel to Ryan’s broken life so to speak they come from different worlds but at the end of the day she’s the broken rich girl and he’s the broken guy from Chino and someway they’re the same and so they write her like that with all the problems and the drama and the meltdowns because she’s supposed to be this like counterpart to Ryan who as hard she tries can’t get it together because she doesn’t have the perspective that Ryan does from living a different life. that’s why they have that connection between them because at the end of the day they’re the only two with the real drama and the real problems obviously other than maybe the parents way more than Seth and summer they have real issues and I think that’s why she’s written like that because she’s meant to bring the drama to Ryan try to transition from Chino to Newport