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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Lydia has a unique story even though that ending was weird that scream is important. Looking forward to next episode been waiting all week for this.

Nan A

Another possible theory is that the bottles exploding was a hallucination to terrify her. You were right. A lot of things are being set up in the first couple of episodes. Things are starting to get really good. They will explain all your questions this season especially Lydia. Also Scott was pulled out of school so he never was nearby the twin alphas. That is why he didnt sense them.

Crystal Laherrere

My absolute favorite parts of this episode are when Issac is terrified in the ice bath he grabs on to Scott for help and the one inch punch Derrick does to Stiles. Dylan is so great at those comedic reactions.


You just found out Marin seems related to Deucalion, another thing I don't know if you remember in the episode where Allison's mom gets bitten, the scene before we see Marin who asks Deaton if "he is going to tell them what is coming" he answers her that for the moment they have enough problems to solve, he was talking about the fact that the alpha pack was coming and as we see, Marin is the best place for talk about it because she seems to know Deucalion. I really like the start of the season, Stiles always makes me laugh, Derek who discovers that his younger sister is still alive is an interesting story line to exploit, now they have two lions escaping into the wild remains to be seen what they will do there ... As for the last scene with Lydia, it's like clues, a piece of the puzzle because if you look at it this way you don't understand but if you put together the old clues about what she is and the new ones to come you will soon be able to put in place all the pieces of the puzzle and have an overview, solve this mystery.


They haven't let us know that Marin is Deaton's sister. So that is a spoiler.

Marissa Brady

What a great episode! I loved the whole Derek, Issac, Peter scene and Derek telling Peter straight to his face that nobody likes him. It was so funny! Plus, the coach is back in the classroom. Any scene with the coach is hysterical. He is such a great comedian. It's about time that Scott took his schoolwork more seriously though. The whole Ice in the tub scene made me cringe. Having to take cold showers is bad enough, but putting Ice in there as well? No thank you! Stiles may not have an actual superpower, but when you're that good at figuring things out do you really need one? Stiles is definitely the detective of the group. The ending was great also. The introduction to the awesomeness that will become Lydia! Or, I should say the even more awesomeness that is Lydia!

Staton Chapman

I feel like lydias storyline is gonna start picking up alittle more now. Im basically watching this show along with you for the first time and i love it. Its like watching a show with a friend

Jayden Jones

wait you’ve never seen the actual show b4 this? 😂 see, im different bcuz i would never watch a reactor react to a show that i’ve never seen b4.


I laughed every time you said "it's not going to happen" about Stiles and Heather because you were right....just not due to any of the first guesses you made lol. There's so many questions you have will be answered through the season (including questions from past seasons you might not remember) so I won't be touching on them. This episode definitely sets up a lot so you're slowly getting puzzle pieces, but you have no idea what the picture is. As for Scott not realizing the twins were in the school, I put it up to his general tunnel vision and the way he's oblivious to a lot of things. Also, he's always struggled to accept himself as a werewolf, wanting to be as normal as possible, so I don't think he taps into his enhanced abilities as much as, say, Isaac or Derek. Peter killed Laura, not Cora, but Cora is assumed to have been dead from the fire. She was mentioned once or twice in the first season, but that was it. Deucalion's just his name. You can just call him Duke if that's easier lolol. But yes, there's going to be a lot of supernatural names coming up, but the show does do their best to explain them...eventually. The show even made their own "bestiary" that came with one of the dvds of a later season, but I don't recommend looking for it so you don't spoil what's to come. The next episode is a really, really good one and what I consider part two of this one

Maximiliam Lilja

Yes, there are so many full moons. Almost like one every month.