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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I absolutely love every scene between Killian and Emma aboard the Jolly Roger. Again, Emma continues to be eerie as she's spending the afternoon with Killian, not just to learn from him about his past with Rumplestiltskin before he became the Dark One so she could get ahold of his sword that touched Rumple when he was still a man so she would be able to wake him, but also so she can continue to try to seduce Killian into being with her while she's the Dark One. I love how Killian continues to resist Emma's temptations, although it's sad that he finally has to lie to Emma about having loved her in the past tense in order to get her to let him go. Because we know that he still loves her very deeply. He just wants the real Emma back. The Emma he helped to break down her walls and who saved him from his darkness he has struggled with his whole life. Who pulled him back from being a villain. I love, love, love the moment Killian becomes angry with Emma upon tiring of her games, as he states how he had been the villain in Emma's tale about him and Rumplestiltskin back when Rumple had still been a good man, knowing he had helped create the Dark One in Rumplestiltskin when he held his sword and threatened the good man he had been. It shows that Killian really is remorseful over his actions that day. Such phenomenal acting from Colin O'Donoghue all throughout this scene, that is my very favorite scene within this episode. And in regards to Killian's love for Emma... like I said above, Killian does truly and deeply love the woman and Savior she was before she became the Dark One. As was revealed back in season three's episode, Good Form... we learned that Killian was a good and honorable man before he became a pirate and Captain Hook. However, the loss of his brother and then the loss of Milah at Rumplestiltskin's hand caused him to bury the good man he was deep down inside himself, and from episodes throughout seasons two and three, we come to see the good in Hook fighting to come back. We saw that Hook never lost sight of the good and longed to become a hero again, but struggled greatly to find him again. It is because of Emma that he was finally able to become the hero Killian is now. To become Killian Jones again, as well as to bring honor to the name of Captain Hook. So yes... he loves her for all she's done for him. As his love and his Savior, Emma allowed him to find the good in him and to find his happy ending. This is one reason why I love Killian so much as a character, and why I absolutely love Killian and Emma so much. Why Killian and Emma are my all time favorite True Love couple throughout this show. Overall... this is a great episode! I really love it!! And a lot happens in it that is most definitely intriguing. So I definitely give it a strong 9. Thank you so much for your reaction for this episode, Steven! Until your next reaction...