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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Colin Hanrahan

Easily one of my top 3 from the series!

Paul Gibson

I agree with Ando seeming odd, but I think the Hiro thing is he always had the skill but lacked the belief. The fact that his father believed in him was the turning point not the training.


One thing you forget about Ted is that when he "faced" Sylar, WE know what's about to go down, but he doesn't have a clue who it is that just opened the door! As far as he knows, they all just got into a car accident and the police is coming to check on him...when he figured it out, it was already too late ): (By the way, the "Sylar taking powers" has already been explained a few times...these guys have powers because their bodies/brains have evolved, so Sylar opens their head, sees what's different and his own original ability understands that change and helps him modify his own brain to gain the ability) Now Hiro's dad and his group? So far, all we know is that almost every current hero's parents used to belong to the same group of people that wanted to change the world for the better. Some of them's idea of how to do that got twisted over time (Hiro's dad meant people like Linderman or even mama Petrelli) and the ones whose purpose remained pure are now trying (by helping the new generation) to help stop the others If you want more backstory, well don't forget there's still 3 more seasons after this

Fly on the Wall

I haven't gotten to this reaction yet, but I just want to point out I keep reading the comments from your patrons and they're mostly positive when it comes to seasons 2, 3 and 4 and we would love it if you kept reacting to this series once this season ends. Season 2 is pretty good. Believe. Please don't give up on it before you've had a chance.


I'm actually really excited for season 2! Haven't watched it in a long time and I've forgotten some of the details.

Sarah Benedict

Just an editing suggestion - Steven should be on the left side of the screen so when you two are talking, it looks like you are talking to each other. Right now, you both look off the screen in opposite directions and it just looks odd.