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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



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Marshall Dante Robertson

A huge part of the reason why you're my favorite reactor is that my initial beliefs and thoughts of the series gets challenged, consistently. This was never my favorite episode but I still viewed it to be pretty lighthearted compared to the last two episodes. But it wasn't until I saw you react to the Buffybot that I realize just how CREEPY the whole situation really is. Like the fact that out of all the evil villainous things you could have Spike do, Joss chose this route. Your right, seeing our main character who we deeply respect, do things like that is definitely cringeworthy, and it might point to a deeper problem regarding Joss and his works but that's another novel entirely. Great reaction as always! 👌


Lol it’s Buffy-Bot and she’s super cute. Robo-Buffy just doesn’t have the same ring to it 😂


say what you will about the weirdness of Spike being with a robot every moment BuffyBot is on screen is Hilarious and SMG plays it perfect. "How's your money".... "You're the Big Bad"..... "You're my best friend, You're recently Gay".... "And lots of different ways, I can make sketches".... "Angels lame, his hair stands straight up and he's bloody stupid." lol Classic

Ray D

I really love this one. After all the seriousness of the last couple of episodes, they needed a more comedic episode and this one delivers with some laugh out loud funny one liners. I thought the idea if the Buffybot was going to be stupid and then this episode showed me how wrong I was. I do think that they dumb down the scoobies a little bit in order to make the joke work but it’s funny enough that I don’t mind it. They also use the explanation that since Buffy’s mom just died that she’s acting out of character. So I’ll buy it. Spike is evil and tends to fall back into those ways at times but I do believe that he also tries to fight it and be better. Not giving up Dawn was great though. And despite the Buffybot part if it, I left this episode with more respect for spike than before it. So many good jokes, asking Anya about her money, spike programming Buffybot to hate Angel, “we will bring you the beaten body of bob barker”, programming Giles name wrong, and so much more. What a fun episode.

Lydia Anderson

I agree with your assessment of the kiss at the end. Back when this episode aired and I was a teenager w/ a crush on Spike, I thought it was cute that she kissed him. Now, as an adult (who still thinks Spike is great), I think it's a bit too reminiscent of the misogynistic idea that a man can "earn" physical affection from a woman, or that he is owed that for his heroic acts, somehow. It's great that society has progressed to the point that Buffy fans can detect this, even in a show that is very pro-female. Anyway, this doesn't really color my perception of Spike as a character, or of Buffy; I just think the writers would see it differently now than they did back then. Overall, I think this is a really good episode and I agree with the others about the Buffy-Bot. While her existence is very creepy, her lines are hilarious and I love seeing her on screen!

Alexis Cardarella

I really like this episode, but there are definitely a few things that bother me. The premise- I’m not exactly why Buffy would think she was loosing her ability to love when she had just broken down over her mother the last episode. I understand feeling numbness, but, I would have needed some more time to start to believe she thought was turning into stone, as she put it. I also was really bothered by them not realizing ..if not that Buffy was acting robotic, then noticing she was acting clearly very very off, in every initial interaction they had with robo Buffy.


I think the timing of this episode is perfect. Because it came after a long period of Buffy being out of it, even behaving at times a bit like a robot (just a completely emotionally dead robot, as opposed to the buffybot). It might not be entirely realistic that they all bought it, but I give it a pass for them just being really worried about her and thinking this is a new phase of her depression. Edit: oh and forgot to mention... I really love episodes that really changes what a character perceives about reality, because it teaches us so much more about how they think. Getting to see how Buffy's friends would react to Buffy acting strangely with Spike, and Buffy a chance to react to their misunderstanding shows so much more of the depth of the characters. It's mostly played for humour, but it does make them get new details that otherwise they would never have a chance to show.


I think people make way too much out of that kiss at the end, criticizing it and overthinking it.

Flora Smith

You didn’t get it was creepy the first time you saw it???? And nothing the Buffybot does reflects poorly on Buffy, it reflects poorly on Spike 😆

Paul Gibson

It is creepy and uncomfortable, but that's the point. The show doesn't shy away from making moments and situations it knows that fans will enjoy but twisting them just enough that they feel really bad doing so.


Does anyone else feel like Steve's volume is rather low? I have everything turned up highest and it's still kind of low.


It was definitely SUPPOSED to be creepy, but I’d also be lying if I said I didn’t view this content and these choices a lot differently after some of the stuff that’s come out about Joss over the last few years. It now feels creepy on a more meta-level that makes it harder to watch for me.

Allan Cornett

I agree. To me is was a gentle way for Buffy to show her gratitude when words would not have had as much of an impact on Spike.