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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation




Pretty much agree with everything you deduced about this episode. Ben was the most screwed of the characters. But he did do something wrong. He did carry stolen items for which he got caught for and sent to Fox River for. But he said so himself, there was little he can do about finding a job for a black guy who was dishonourably discharged from the army. So yeah, he definitely screwed up but he was dealt a really crappy hand.

Daniel R

I'm excited for you to finish the season. I'm not a big fan of Season 3 but maybe watching it again with you will change my outlook on it as a whole

Gregory Wireman

If he dies with a noose around his neck they'll just blame it on white supremacist prison gangs. Everyone would believe it.

Quinn Sliter

This seasons ending, and season 3 beginning is very unpredictable at this point. So excited for you to get into season 3 and see your thoughts on it. Would greatly appreciate 2 episodes one of these weeks since you missed a week recently, but either way love this reaction!

Dr. Foppo

Love how Ben has done nothing worthwhile the entire show but acts bossy all the time... Then has such a shit plan (or lack of) that he first gets his wife caught then gets caught himself and STILL keeps acting bossy - towards the FBI Agent that arrested him of all people and who is also the only reason his wife got out and his child is getting medical care lmao. The guy is so deranged from reality. Why has no one ever told him to just shut the fuck up. Like...why the fuck does he feel so entitled all the time. He's a fucking nobody He's contributed nothing to the break out. One second after the breakout he tells everyone about the money and exposes Michael for not telling everyone (because...you know...screw Michael for not telling everyone including people like T-Bag) Then gets his wife and himself arrested. And is now trying to rat out the guy who got him out of prison for free although Michael had actually 0 reason to let Ben in on it. If Michael was more shrewd and cold, Ben would have died the second he found out about the escape and that would have been it. Personally would have preferred that route. The character is such a waste of time Imo, Ben adds literally nothing to the show. Other than being worthless for the sake of it At least characters like T-Bag or Bellick are "fun to hate", good villains and make things exciting. Ben is nothing. His character has no substance at all I also don't understand why you keep saying that "he didn't do anything wrong" and that he only ever got screwed over when he was literally arrested for a crime that he did indeed commit - which he btw did for personal benefits and to get the transfer he wanted. It's not like the Army forced him to commit any crime and they didn't pin the torture on him. Maybe, if you are knowingly committing crimes, don't try to bust someone else for theirs? Something about rocks and a glass house... I agree that he doesn't deserve to die like this. The thing is: he wouldn't have, if he had just stayed in prison and served the sentence for the crimes he did commit. He chose to bail. Whatever comes after that...gotta own it You don't get to break out of a state penitentiary and play the victim. (considering he didn't get framed, was literally sentenced for crimes he committed and was by all means a criminal)