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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



It's amazing the sheer amount of damage two Battlestars with full compliments of Vipers can do compared to just one, even an 'old' one like Galactica. For all the other emotions in this episode, rewatching all I can think is, just imagine the carnage these two ships could have caused if they'd been together since the beginning.

Janeka Rector

Lee in the water is the metaphor for what it feels like, floating alone in space. As for Dee’d part in all of this.. She kept asking again and again for Lee to tell her where he was. He could hear her but declined to answer because he wanted to die. He probably was feeling a bit hopeless after learning that Adama and Roslin were plotting assassination. It’s changed how he thinks of people and that’s why he shared with Kara that the trust between people is important. And the fact that he couldn’t be there for Kara when she needed him most? He’s falling apart. This is an awesome episode. I can’t decide if Thorn is more humane to stop the attack on Helo and Chief or just clinging to military code because that’s what the thing that has helped Pegasus survive. I think the answer about not being able to rape a machine shows that no.. he’s not humane, just respecting the letter and rule of law.


Small point, the character who stopped the attack was Colonel Fisk, Lieutenant Thorne was the one they killed trying to protect Sharon, doesn't really change what you said, just pointing it out.

Janeka Rector

You’re absolutely right! Thank you!


Bear McCreary's music reached a whole new level here, imo. I LOVE it. And this episode in general.

Stephanie Bedworth

I do believe that the Blackbird collided with a random cylon raider.