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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



S2 got you prepared more about the supernatural at least. Mountain ash is like a weapon against the supernatural so when Gerald was taking the mountain ash pills when he was bitten by Derek it was the mountain ash blocking him from getting the venom per say . It will explain more in s3.


You said dylan is such a great actor. He definitely is. And you have no idea how phenomenal it will be until you see season 3. Especially part 3B. And i really cannot wait.

Nan A

They explain it better in S3. We were all a bit confused with the finale, its fine. S1 and S2 are better understood on rewatches. But yay! Onward to season 3 now!


I like this end of the season and the evolution that we have had certain characters, Scott is more mature and takes more responsibilities even if his love for Allison is sometimes excruciating, she too has evolved especially because of the death of her mother but I like the fact that she knows how to fight without waiting for someone to save her, Derek finds himself practically alone, he is definitely not made to be a leader, he wears his powers well but in strategy and humanly for the members of his pack he sucks. Stiles is still Stiles even though we can see human faults in him that other characters do not have, its making his character even more touching. Now that a pack of Alphas is here the stakes will increase even more and I can't wait for you to discover it, this season is really different compared to the last two, I won't say more about it I believe that already all the world has been touting season 3 so I'm looking forward to the next episode.


I personally prefer a villain that I like so do I prefer Peter to Gerard of course! I prefer a character with some depth. I thought Gerard was a pretty scary villain though. He was all about himself and didn't care who he had to kill to get his way. His motives were all self involved so do I care about his character? No. I don't like the way Scott immediately forgave Allison but that seems to be one of his character's flaws but at least they are broken up. Jackson turned into a werewolf so he is not dead. All your confusion is because things have yet to be revealed. So excited we are now on s3! Thanks for the reaction!

Marissa Brady

This was a good finale that wrapped up the Kanima story really well. It also was a great introduction the the alpha pack. To me, Scott and Allison are still the weakest characters. However, Scott is more likeable than Allison is. I can't forgiver her for what she did to Boyd and Erica. The scene where Jackson turned into a werewolf was great! You could really tell that despite how Jackson acts, he really loved Lydia. The scene between Peter and Derek when they were looking at what Jackson was transforming into was hysterical! Peter and Derek have great chemistry. Gerard's takedown was really unexpected. I love how Scott tricked him. However, I still hate his rude attitude towards Derek. It annoys me to no end. Time for Season 3! Yay!!!

Stefan Davis

I would say this season 2 becomes a little more understandable after rewatching from a different view point but I totally agree with you about Gerard....he is definitely a forgettable villain up to this point , he was more of a mental villain meaning you never knew what he was going to do always kept you guessing he’s playing chess while everyone else is playing checkers............but yes S3 is where this show really starts to come in to it’s own 3A is really good 3B is where you really start to have a great appreciation for the show and it just takes off from there


season 3 is up next omg i’m excited

s jaco

Yeeeeh, we're heading into S3, it's my favourite season both part A and B. I can't wait to start this with you next week.


I agree with you about season 1 being better than season 2. Yeah, I have a lot of quips about the first season, but that doesn't mean I don't like it. Season 2 is actually my least favorite season, though I do still like it. There was just a lot of slow build then a fast climax and a lot of things get answered on either a re-watch of it or in season 3 (like what others above have said). I do think it sets up the next season and what's to come for the show nicely as well as create depths to the characters and their bonds. Overall, though, the season wasn't as dynamic-moving as the first and the next ones, which is why it falls a bit short. Also, the mystery around Deaton is on purpose (as frustrating it can be sometimes). You just have to let him/his role in the show unravel on his own. You definitely haven't missed anything!

Lea Connor

Totally agree about Allison. It's because he loves her no one else really gets that leeway. The way he treats Derek is horrible, no gets put through the stuff Derek has and no support system.