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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Aiyana Taylor

I love this episode but I was just wondering when you will be watching the next marvel movie


do you think you will ever do teen wolf twice a week at any point since there is 6 seasons? Great Reactions!

Nan A

I am so excited. You are so close to season 3. Even the last episodes of season 2 are pretty great! I look forward to your teen wolf reactions!!

Tendai kangas

I guess the Stiles thing is bc he has never had that confidence to perform well, I get that they definitely over played him being a bad player to then suddenly being amazing. I really like Isaac and how he realised he wanted to be with Scott and stay. The editing gets better, slowly but surely and I can't wait for you to see it.

Crystal Laherrere

I always felt like that too with Stiles playing. He trains with Scott so he must have picked up some more skills and as soon as he scored and people cheered it’s like he let go of all the self doubt and just rocked it. Stiles is just the best and as soon as everybody in this school realizes it the world will be a better place.


I agree about the editing not being the greatest in this episode. The Stiles thing someone already commented on and I agree. We see him in this episode basically saying he is useless. I think that does a lot to a person on what they perceive themselves to be. Once he scores that goal it gives him some confidence to actually play as he would play. This show has some really wonderful support characters. So happy to see Peter, & I know I shouldnt but I love him. He is so dynamic. Isaac in this episode just shines. He wants to be someone that helps people and do the right thing. Alison totally being manipulated by Gerard. She even calls him grandpa in this episode. I also love that Chris (Alison's dad) brings up the code that they are suppose to follow. It looks like he is the only one following it. Great reaction until next time!


Don't forget for the beginning of season 3, watch the into for each new season from here on out because they're unique and different for each season, if that makes sense.

Lea Connor

Well Chris didn't exact follow it in the pilot. I know the writers wanted to give a great entrance. But he was chasing after werewolves, shooting and not knowing who they were. I know obviously the whole Peter thing, so can hunters just kill them if something has happened in that area. This a actually started me not liking Allison that much. I am trying to not say much in case I put a spoiler in lol.