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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



The google drive link takes you to a dexter episode x

Alex Haswell

My favourite season is 6, but, for me, 5 is still up there

Daniel R

Matt Smith era is my favorite era of Doctor Who

Tammy L. Faulkner

Sure you know this by now... wrong show.


What you said at the beginning really goes to show how opinions differ a lot with Doctor Who. Series 4 is my favourite series of Doctor Who. I don't think there was a single bad episode in Donna's season. I also think Series 1 is better than most give it credit for. Series 6 however is very convoluted for me. I like the first two parter and The Doctor's wife episodes but there aren't many standout episodes and the arc is too convoluted and inconsistent for me to enjoy. But its good to see you're enjoying it. I'm curious to see what you'll make of the finale and the next series.

Jason Usher

Great reaction, here is how I rank the season up to this point 1.Season 4 2.Season 6 3.Season 3 4.Season 5 5.Season 2 6.Season 1


3 months ago lol. well seems he still doesnt read the comments often