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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



PamPam and her PamPams

Love this episode! Latkes are potato pancakes, but not sweet, more of a fried grated potatoy thing with onion. In my house we dip them in apple sauce. Its a traditional Hannukah snack, Fried honey dough balls and especially jelly-filled donuts are also Hannukah food.


I'm not Jewish, but I resent the latke slander in this episode. They are tasty!


This is a good episode! An 8 for me as well. I really like the scene with Kirsten and Ryan.


Love this episode. Don't hate on Sandy, I agree with him (in a way) the information should have come from Caleb.


I was right there with you when Kirsten went off on Caleb - he had it coming! I should probably explain why Sandy didn't tell Kirsten about her sister though: as Caleb's attorney he is bound to attorney-client privilege (meaning Caleb could sue him if he told her) .. of course in this situation Kirsten didn't really care for that, understandably so .. but I don't think Sandy was necessarily terrible, just that Caleb out him in a terrible situation and he didn't know what to do ..

Mariella Nilsson

i like these reactions! God episode!

Leora Nechama

The yarmeclaus were adorable. I'm one of the few who enjoy Lindsey's character. She was cute with Ryan.