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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation




Wow this episode. I remember at first I didn't like it because I thought it took away from the action of the season. Damn. Now I think it's one of the best of the series. I am so glad you enjoyed it as much as I did. It makes sense when you look back. It's mainly about John, and his inability to still open up to the people in his life. The case was simple to give time to the main part and point of the episode.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

This is an absolutely phenomenal episode, and I easily give it a 10 like you did. I love it! I love seeing Carter again, and the emotion throughout this episode brought about between Reese and Carter is beautiful. Seeing Reese break down upon coming to an understanding through his vision of Carter that he never allowed himself to open up to anyone, including her is heartbreaking. And I love every moment of this episode. From simply seeing how it's shot as it goes in and out between Reese's conversation with Carter's ghost as he's slowly dying, to the real time events showing Reese's investigation of Carter's old case leading to a rocky resolution, that match the past events with Carter investigating the deaths of the kid's family. I love Reese's entire conversation with Carter, and seeing how she keeps him alive after he's been shot and is struggling to keep himself from dying. I love Carter's struggle to make Reese understand that he needs to stop shutting everyone out and that he needs to open up with those closest to him. Finch, Fusco, and Root. I really appreciate seeing this side of Reese, and seeing just how much Carter really and truly meant to him. It's all so beautiful. And lastly... in regards to your confusion about the car window being broken, it's most likely broken due to Reese punching a hole through the window in order to break into the car after he had been shot, given that he didn't have the killer's keys with him until Reese left the car so he could snatch them from the killer's dead body at Carter's behest and drive to get him to keep fighting. Thank you so much for your reaction to this episode, Steven! I am so happy you really loved it so much! I do too!! And please don't ever apologize for crying onscreen when a show makes you feel so emotional such as this episode has. I really appreciate seeing reactors allow themselves to cry and show their emotions onscreen. Sincerely, Heidi


John probably used something to break the window so he could get in the car since it was Chase's car and not his and he didn't had the keys. That's what the hole was.


I’m so glad I got you going on this series and that you love it like I did. One of the best television series I. My opinion. Amazing reaction!


I don't think that anyone who actually watched the series has a different opinion :D One of the best ever shows. I would use a higher expression if I had but it's IMPOSSIBLE how underrated this show was.


When I first watched this, maybe it was because of how erratically the episodes were released at the time, and an episode with no real plot relevance being released felt pretty slow, but I remember thinking this episode was just alright when I first saw it. Now it is in my top 5 of the show.


i remember how you were low on carter when show started because they werent using her much, and now just a hallucination of her makes you cry. i love this show man