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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



It’s best to think of JD and Elliot as best friends who think of each other romantically when they are in a rut and the other person is unavailable. They’re like each other’s fallback plan. I never thought that they were an end game couple, they were just like the twenty something on again off again couple that have more growing up to do.


Actually I think of JD and Elliot as two immature young people who are still growing up and don't want a serious relationship at the moment. But when are looking for the person who would be good for them they always gravitate towards each other. Plus they work together so they are always there for each other's relationships, break-ups, single periods. I never seen them as each other's fallback. Like every off again on again couple, they are always more or less in love with each other, but aren't ready to grow up yet. So when they are both single, they are comfortable as friends with potential, and when someone is with someone else, it feels like someone is ruining the plan for them to the other person.

Melinda Barr

Always a fan of Dr. Cox and Jordan. I thought that they were made for each other, I was never sold on JD and Elliot.


My feelings on the JD/Elliot stuff was pretty neutral. Didn’t like it or dislike it. It... just is. Didn’t root for or against. Could take it or leave it. Maybe mild annoyance in that I’d rather have seen that screentime dedicated to something I was more excited about, but that’s about it.