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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


messiah waite

I haven’t seen this show so I’m watching with you so this is speculation. I was thinking about what you said about Harry and peter. I think Tommy is going to hate Oliver to the point where he learns with his dad and train and become a villain

Kacey Caldwell

The killer in this episode is in a show that your brother is watching right now, Angel, where he is a good guy named Gunn.

Kacey Caldwell

I've always felt sorry for Tommy. He really cares for Laurel maybe even loves her. And while i think she cares for him, he comes second and maybe even third for her. Because Oliver is number 1 and i'm not sure if she had the choice she wouldnt pick the Hood over tommy even without knowing it was oliver. And i think Tommy has known that but kept hoping he was wrong. And now he's given up that hope.