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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



This is a really great episode. I’m glad to watch it again with you because initially I hated it. I felt like what you said at the beginning: they’re always getting split up and the other one has to wait for them. By this point it felt almost like a cliché and like lazy storytelling to me, but this episode on its on is just plain fantastic and I’m glad I can see that now. Great reaction!!

Dani C

Yeah - this episode is very dark. That moment when the Doctor closes the door to leave older Amy behind gets me every time. And Arthur Darvill's acting is soo good. His character is such a goof for much of the time, but he can bring the depth when its needed.

Daniel R

This episode is perfection and really reinforces why I love this trio. The Doctor lying still gets me and I still get teary eyed at the end. Season 5 didnt do much to really show you how awesome the relationship is between Amy and Rory but I'm glad you're experiencing it and seeing it for yourself. Incredible episode


Love this episode! It really shows how much Amy and Rory love each other. And how much the doctor loves them. In the beginning the viewers think Amy doesn’t really care about Rory and as time goes on you see how much she does This episode also the consequences of traveling with the Doctor! He’s brilliant and you gain so much by everything you get to do and see but there’s losses. Martha once said said something similar to this. Martha was a great companion but was failed by bad writing, most viewers just wanted the Doctor to show he cared about her just like his other companions. It didn’t have to be romantic. If had of saw Martha and Mickey with the Doctor like Amy and Rory it really would been nice and more we’ll received.


Yeah, one of my favs. Love the moment when the Doctor is asked if he can take both and he just shakes his head slightly and I realized later that that's the moment he knew that he would have to leave her. The Doctor was right, but still kind of ruthless. Rory also has some great moments like "I do NOT want to travel with you!" - a bit of the Centurian comes out. I thought Karen Gillan did a great job too, differentiating the two characters but still making them feel like the same person.


You do know the doctor is just one person right he changes body’s.