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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


J Scott Page

They were indeed referencing the first avengers movie when they talked about the aliens. And when Luke said “big green guy” he was referencing the hulk. Like Agents of Shield, this show is in the same continuity as the MCU, but for whatever reason this show makes vague references where AoS outright name drops characters and stuff. And Kilgrave is definitely one of my favorite villains. The concept, the writing and the acting. All well done.


I'm with you on preferring this 1st season over DD's 1st season, though both were great. I will say DD S3 is probably my favorite season of all the Marvel shows, though.

Janeka Rector

I so enjoyed season 4 of Agents of Shield but that’s a conversation for another day! :)


Oh yes, S4 of AoS was really good. Definitely their best, imo!


The mystery/private eye vibe is refreshing.