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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



I love Brittany too and I agree Mercedes and Santana voices together soooo amazing!! Every duet slaps and Quinn and Sam are cute together. And not a spoiler but just wait for Kurt it’s epic


This is one of my favorite eps of the entire series, so I gave it a 10. And it’s not an unpopular opinion at all that the Mercedes and Santana duet was better than Sam and Quinn’s (I liked theirs, but it was a little boring compared to the others and a little bit too cutesy for my tastes), but most people understood that Sam and Quinn had to win for the plot, and I don’t resent them for winning. I pretty much hated Quinn as a character until this ep, but I actually liked her in this ep because her and Sam were “so freaking charming” to quote Santana, and I loved Sam from the start so he made me like Quinn more (for a while). Santana was always my favorite though. At the time this ep aired Brittany was a more popular character than her. I love every little moment with Brittany and Santana, but I just love Santana’s bitchiness more than Brittany’s “dumb blondeness”.


Sam was actually originally intended to be Kurt’s love interest this season, but the writers decided to go in a different direction because they liked Sam and Quinn’s chemistry. I don’t buy the chemistry excuse personally. I think they changed it because the plot line leaked before anyone even got to see Sam and Kurt interact with each other.


^ what Fizzy said. It got leaked to fans I believe by Jane Lynch (Sue) that Kurt was getting a new boyfriend & that it was Sam so they ended up putting him with Quinn instead & made that whole thing up about their chemistry. I love this episode so much, the music/performances were amazing from everyone & pretty much everyone in the fandom agree that Mercedes and Santana should have won, they really did the damn thing with that performance & I also 100% agree with you about Mercedes and Santana having better voices than Rachel. There’s no denying that Rachel has an amazing voice buuut anytime Mercedes sings she does something to my spirit, her voice is out of this world and so versatile & so is Santana’s.


Also I forgot to add how much I hate how they treated Kurt this episode. Once again they tried to make it seem like he was being predatory and creepy when he literally didn’t even do anything but wanna sing a song with someone??? Kurt is so soft🥺 & literally never does anything to hurt anyone & is always getting shit for no reason, it pisses me off.

Mark Wood

Emily I love Kurt's character but like most on Glee he has plenty of faults. He has hurt people. He deliberately manipulated Rachel to humiliate her in front of Finn. He wasn't honest about his feelings to Mercedes and then Rachel, that hurt Mercedes. He made multiple attempts at flirting and manipulating Finn into what he hoped would be a romantic relationship, when Finn to the best o this knowledge wasn't interested at all. I mean he seriously manipulated his father and Finn's mother to meet and get to gather for the selfish reason of wanting to be close, and close romantically with Finn. While it worked out for Burt and Carol, it wasn't a nice thing to do at all. He went along with Brittany making it seem like he was in to her, and while Brittany will apparently mess around with anyone, he wasn't honest with her at all. None of those things are nice, and all of them can hurt. Now a lot of characters on Glee have made plays on other characters, but I can't think of a single one where the other person wasn't at least attracted to that other person (even if they indicated they didn't want to be with them for whatever reason. This didn't apply to Kurt. Can we understand why he does some of it? Absolutely but it doesn't absolve him of those actions. Now after saying things Kurt has done, let me be clear there are several other characters on Glee that have done, far, far, far worse things,In fact almost all the characters up to this point have done something that wasn't nice. Really Mike at this point is probably the only one I can think of, and that might not be indicative that Mike is just a really great guy, but we have had almost nothing about Mike so far.


I'm just gonna come out and say that not only are Santana and Mercedes better than Rachel but they, in my opinion, are also the best duet combo in glee. Their voices are like you said magic together. I prefer their individual voices to Rachel, they're just unique while Rachel's is amazing but kinda generic to me. I wouldn't say that Brittany is underrated, she's very loved by the fandom and is one of the most popular characters, maybe overrated in my opinion. I really hated how they treated Kurt this episode, the way they label him as a predator cuz he's being nice and has a crush. The way Rachel was chasing Finn was so much worse and how puck chased and used Mercedes for popularity. Finn is just so bad sometimes and makes my blood boil. Same with Burt honestly, being on Finn's side after what Finn called Kurt and saying that it was basically Kurt's fault? Nah that's not right, it's just frustrating how the show is trying to portray kurt as the villian.

Clay W

I love Mercedes and Santana singing together, it's always magic! They are definitely at the top of my list vocal wise.


Are you seriously saying that a gay boy who's not ready to come out and instead comes up with a spontaneous lie so he can protect himself is bad?you seriously have no sympathy of what Kurt is going through and for the record, Kurt wasn't manipulating Rachel. She made that decision on her own he just told her one thing and she straight up believed him cuz she desperately wanted Finn. Manipulation is not the right word to use, he never manipulated Finn. Flirting he did but I don't really see the problem with that. The only stand out thing I would say that was bad was when the parents met. Even that wasn't as bad as you're making it out to be like he didn't manipulated them into falling in love with each other. He only introduced them to each other, sure the motives were kinda wrong but it's not like every character on glee has done something bad for someone they like. The Brittany thing is Kurt trying to change himself for his father which I think Burt was wrong for only engaging with Finn. It's just sad to look at and Kurt's motives weren't even bad, he really tries to be straight and masculine cuz thats what he thinks his father wants.


Mark a lot of the things you stated were just Kurt trying to come to terms with who he was. While I am aware Kurt is not perfect and definitely has his faults throughout the show, I don’t like how sometimes he’s portrayed as some predatory gay that preys on straight men. I hated it with Finn and I hated it with Sam & also don’t think there was a time in any of those instances besides maybe the Rachel thing where he deliberately wanted to hurt any of them. When you’re coming to terms with who you really are, you tend to do things that you wouldn’t normally do & I can’t be mad or judge Kurt for those things especially as Diya stated, other characters have done a lot worse.

Mrs Payne

Finn is so annoying goodness


Personally I think Rachel is the best vocalist, her technicality & emotion each time she sings is unmatched. Mercedes & Santana are also fantastic but personal preference favours Rachel over them, even though the show always gave her broadway songs.

Aaron Lopez

Rachel is by far the best singer! Period.


I'll be honest, I remembered NOTHING about this episode except that Mercedes/Santana duet because like you, "magical" is the only word that came to mind for me to describe it. It's the first musical number since the pilot that just stopped me in my tracks. So that number alone made the episode at least a 9 for me, even without remembering the plot. But yeah the overall episode was solid this time, outside of me not caring for how they treated Kurt in it. Appreciate the shoutout, and yep, you pronounced my name correctly! :)

Tammy L. Faulkner

How is it that YT has more glee Reactions than Patreon? Just saying... here s2 ep4 while I just saw YT has s2 ep 5.


Not arguing with your opinion, but what do you mean the show always gave her Broadway songs :))) She had so many solos that she probably had a lot more Pop and other genres than most of the rest of the cast :)))