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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


D.j. Lachmandas

Hit 10/10 cuz I kno what’s up lol

Daniel R

Buckle up everybody!


One of my fave eps!!! “Ohhh yeeea”

Brianna Dawson

Great reaction. So about Klaus being able to come in to the house, it's because his body (Alaric) is human. The only power he has when he is Alaric is compulsion and that's because his mind is still his own and that's how they compel. He isn't extra strong, that was only because of the spell the witch Madex put on him before the dance. That's why he could enter the house, human body, vampire mind essentially.

Lynell Twiner

Your reaction cracked me up. Just know there is always Plan B with Damon...lol. Klaus is spirit has taken Akarics body so the body is still human why he could go in house. One of my favorite episodes of the show. Never lose faith in the story.....

james cedro

The episode would have been pretty boring if they didn't go to the dance and stayed home and went to bed...sometimes characters have to do questionable things to make it entertaining..love your reactions though...i personally think the episode is a 10/10...one of my favorites.

Daniel R

TVD was the CW's #1 show. They have to show off their big production budget by having big parties, dances, and festivals all the time lol

Daniel R

they're also teenagers, Steven is just a grump sometimes lol


As Brianna said, the body was very much human, we never saw him super speed or anything, the only thing he had was compulsion and while I don't love that he had that, I get that it's less of a physical power and more mental. Them going to the party is only dumb because we know he knows their plan with Bonnie. From their point of view though, it's a decent plan. They can't wait to get Klaus, the more time that passes the more likely he will find out about their secret weapon which is the only way they have of stopping him. So if there's a chance they can get him to show up at a specific place, unaware of the fact that they can kill him, they have to take it even if using Elena as bait. It's not like they can out wait him... he's immortal, keeping Elena locked in the house for years wouldn't solve anything. Wasn't a dumb plan from that point of view, though the constant splitting up was clearly stupid.

Therese Larsen

Yeah, like mentioned - Klaus is only in Ric’s mind or whatever, meaning he can compel, but it does nothing to him physically. He is not vampire, he didn’t drink blood, he didn’t have super speed or strength, because his body is human. That’s why he needed the help from Madex, the witch. I mean, it’s not gonna make a 100 % sense, but you know, just go with it lol.

john segun doe

i cannot wait for next ep. i really wanna see steves reaction of that

Christina mani

Clearly you know that klaus knows because you're the audience so to the characters it's a decent plan. Thought this was obvious


Just to clarify something: Elena invited Alaric in bc she didn't know Klaus had posessed him. If Klaus shows up in another body or his own body the rules of vampires entering still apply. Meaning he can only enter bc he's now in Alaric's body and Elena invited Alaric in. Otherwise he wouldn't be able to.

Therese Larsen

No, Elena never invited him in, he just walked straight in. Because physically he’s not a vampire. Meaning he hasn’t got the speed, the strength, the need for blood. He can compel but that’s about it. Again, Alaric is not a vampire. If Klaus had taken over say Damon’s body he would’ve been a vampire, since Damon is a vampire.


Yes you're right, I'm sorry. It works bc Alaric is human. But the point I was trying to make is that once Klaus is in someone else's body it won't work again.


They don’t know that Klaus knows about Bonny so it’s not something they could of planned for. They also don’t know any other way to kill him except by Bonnie so there isn’t a lot of options available. It doesn’t matter if they go to the dance or not, Klaus could come at anyone of them at any time and they wouldn’t be able to stop him. At least they know he was going to be there so it gave them the best chance at stopping him. Damon was technically there as a chaperone.

Sade L.

Lol I didn’t think their plan was stupid because I mean they had no idea where Klaus was or what he looked like. When they got that message from Klaus that he would be at the dance it made sense to me that they would go to stake out the dance and see if they could figure out who he was. They also had juiced up Bonnie who said she had the power to kill him so I thought it was solid. When I first watched I Absolutely loved the twist and loved questioning why Elena would pull the dagger out of Elijah. Can’t wait for the next episode!


the whole point of klaus using alaric's body is so he could infiltrate elena's life without her knowing. i.e entering her home, hanging out with her friends and listening to their private conversations, etc. it's actually a brilliant plan.


When I watched this live I was PISSED and swore if they’d actually killed Bonnie like that I was done with the show. I was honest to god going to stop watching, so I get the anger you were feeling!!