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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Brianna Dawson

I have just always liked Jess. I love his intelligence and I find he has the tendency to hide away a lot of his good qualities, like secretly working, or fixing things for Luke like the toaster or letting people in the dinner to set up. I also just find he compliments Rory in that they share the same interests but are different in a way that keeps it fresh. I don't see his talking to Luke as rude exactly, that's just kinda how they banter back and forth with one another. Like how Luke picked on him for Walmart. Plus Jess is still a teenager who feels abandoned by his family, never really having one until now so I just look at it as he has trouble letting people in and prefers them at a distance. I totally agree with you about Rory and Lorelai being immature this epsiode, they get like that sometimes. I understand why Lorelai's upset, it's still raw, but she can't take it out on Sherry. Enjoyed your reaction, can't wait for the next one!:)


Totally agree with everything that's been said above xD I also don't see Jess' banter with Luke as mean nor would I call him a jackass for this sort of conversation (he HAS been a jackass before, but recently, I'd say he's actually a good mix between Luke's grumpiness and Lorelai's sassiness and I just find his comebacks pretty entertaining xD) My dad actually used to tease me the way Luke is teasing Jess ahah! Whenever I would do something kinda out of character that he'd feel proud of or that he'd been secretly hoping for me to do, he'd just start joking about it! I guess it's an easy way for people that aren't used to show their emotions to express pride and joy without getting mushy 🤣


I totally agree that Lorelai was being petty and shouldn’t take it out on Sherry but I do understand why she’s hurt. Didn’t Christopher leave because she didn’t want to get married at 16? I thought she still wanted to be with him and have him involved though. I’m not sure if Sherry knows the whole story though so I don’t think she was rubbing it in on purpose

PamPam and her PamPams

Lorelai was petty, but frankly, I understand it. She really wanted to make it work with Christopher. Then when he found out Sherry was pregnant, he was a changed man and did everything he didn't do for Lorelai when she was pregnant. Of course its not the same when you're 16, but I would look for somebody to let my anger out at as well and it would probably be the other woman. Especially after she thanked her like this, when in reality Lorelai didn't help change his mind at all. And the Jess thing, well, you always say he's a jackass, even though I love him, he kinda deserved to have his car devil egged. I actually really like this episode, it's a bit childish and awkward, but that's kind of what Gilmore Girls is.


Fun episode, everyones entitled to their opinion of course but dang, not sure what was up on this one. People did petty things, but on a scale of 1 to 10 of 'messed up' actions, nothing they did even passed a 3. You called them awful for the eggs thing, using the word awful to describe anything done in this episode is so over the top lol. Now I agree that Jess didn't do anything to Rory, but him driving around while she doesn't have a car because he crashed it can be annoying for her, so if inconveniencing him for some 15 minutes by egging his car makes her feel even.. that's fine with me. When he (jokingly?) offered to give her the car to get Lane/Rory off his back, that was extreme, it's not like he crashed her car on purpose, but yeah a little egging to vent a bit, no biggie. Definitely not "they're awful" worthy....


yes Rory and Lorelai were incredibly lame in this episode! Agreed


Hi Chris! Nice to see you here :) Love your reactions (and I agree with the Jess stuff, just wanted to say hi ahah)


I agree, Lorelai and Rory were both acting extremely immature in this episode. I think Lorelai doesn't deal well with issues in the romance department in general and she tends to do some immature things to avoid dealing with it (remember when she literally fled her wedding with Max). And it wasn't Sherry's fault she felt uncomfortable bc Christopher is showing devotion to her and Gigi that she would've loved to see for her and Rory. And I think Rory doesn't deal well with romantic issues either, I guess the gilmore girls are both the same way in that department - very immature as soon as a relationship is not working the way they want it to. But I gotta cut Luke some slack though - Jess has made fun of him ever since he arrived and he finally found an opportunity to make fun of him too. Plus, I can't imagine Jess at a Walmart either. ;)

Tendai kangas

to be fair I don't agree with you on the Luke and Jess thing, they show their love that way. that's how me and my best friend talk to each other even if it might seem like we are being assholes. and you asked what good has jess done, let me ask what bad has he done? I agree that he shouldn't be with Rory but the way he talks to Luke is the same way Luke talks to jess so there is nothing wrong with that and since he crashed the car the only thing he has done is get a gf and a job at Walmart. so he is just a sarcastic teen who hates the world haha


Lorelai never made Christopher leave, she just didn't want to get married. Christopher chose to not be around most of Rory's life. Heck, even at the beginning of the episode when Rory confesses that she has been in contact with him, Lorelai tells her it is a good thing. I fully believe that Lorelai always left the door open for Chris to be in Rory's life and it was always his decision to not be. Anyway because of all of that I can understand why Lorelai might be frustrated with the Sherry situation. It's gotta be awful to wait for someone to get their act together just for them to decide to be that better person for someone else.


I love this episode,it’s so much fun.


I think Lorelai and Rory are relatable.. the way they act.. they dont care about what others think.. they can be whoever they want with each other.. and i like that about them.. why cant we be immature sometimes

Valencia Lanier

I don’t think Loreli was bad at all. Seriously just because she didn’t want to marry Chris he didn’t have to not come around. That’s all Chris’ fault. And she didn’t blow up at Sherry, she had her own personal breakdown in the bathroom and rearranging the bathroom is hardly a big deal. They’re isn’t even a lot in there. And I don’t care that they egged Jess’ car. He’ll get over it. Just take water hose to it. I liked the episode. It was fun.


You seem kind of serious this episode. I feel like you took a light hearted moment too seriously.

Mariella Nilsson

Agree! It was all fun! If pushing jess in a lake was fun, devil egging his car was fun too!!

Mariella Nilsson

You are not Alone, I don’t like jess!

Kacey Caldwell

I've never liked this episode. if i rewatch the show i skip this one

Ina Durcekova

Honestly, it was stupid that Rory told Lorelai not to mess up Sherry's medicine cabinet and told her it was immature (while Lorelai was really upset and the cabinet thing could have been done by anyone who was looking for any kind of medicine) while Rory wanted to egg Jess's car which was much more immature and stupid.

Other Boy Reactions

I always find Sherry interesting because you can never quite tell if she’s being sincere or cruel. Maybe a mix of both. If she wasn’t deliberately trying to be mean by going on and on about how well Christopher was doing and how he was taking care of his family since he didn’t do it the first time then she’s just oblivious which isn’t much better. Even if Lorelai and he aren’t together I think she can see that Christopher has always had feelings for Lorelai and I think she likes to keep her close. Sherry insisting that Lorelai come to the party seems nice on the surface, but she really just wanted to show Lorelai how well she and Christopher were doing and that SHE was having Christopher’s child and that Christopher turned his life around because of HER. There’s just something very subtly passive aggressive about everything Sherry says and does that irks me and clearly irks Lorelai. That’s why she said it would be easier if Sherry was just outright mean, but she’s not. She’s very smart about what and how she says things so that only Lorelai knows her true meaning. I like that both Lorelai and Rory were immature in this episode because they were doing and saying things that a lot of people want to say and do but don’t. It was a chance for Rory to be imperfect for once and a chance for Lorelai to get her frustration out on Sherry. Even if Sherry is being totally sincere, Lorelai still feels hurt and upset that she can’t be with Christopher, the father of her child, and she needs to put blame somewhere.


Agree with basically everything except for the Rory part.


I thought you were a bit harsh on this episode, especially in the Luke and Jess stuff. I thought they were hilarious this episode and let’s all appreciate that when Jess has a goal he does what he needs to do to achieve it without any expectation of having anything handed to him...just like Lorelai. That’s potential right there. Anyway next week is where it’s at. When the season really kicks off.

s jaco

My favourite thing about this episode is Jess his hair in the evening clip outside with his car. I mean... WOW. I remember falling in love with him so much more in that moment, haha. Shallow, but it's such a look 555.

Tammy L. Faulkner

I always like this ep... I loved the egg thing. Btw, I have been working at Walmart for over 5 yrs now and still get a kick outta Luke teasing Jess. It's mostly because it's not really a Jess thing to do I think. And I do not like Jess much @ this point, later a little.


He is teasing him , because Jess is a reble....so not a worker bee....had nothing to do with Walmart

Tammy L. Faulkner

That's what I meant when I said it's not a Jess thing to do. And yes, some of it did have to do with Walmart considering Luke's comment about the vests.

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

I don't agree that Lorelai was being immature. Chris proposed out of obligation when they were 16 because their parents were so angry and insisted. Lorelai knew it would have never worked and turned him down, and his immediate response was "Sayonara! See you later!" He went ahead and graduated high school, went to college and was a deadbeat dad for all of Rory's life. He never paid child support. He didn't even visit Stars Hollow until Rory was sixteen. It must have HURT Lorelai to hear Sherri talk about how involved Chris was, talking to the baby every night, being so supportive, when Lorelai did everything alone. Chris could have still been there for her after the proposal was turned down. He chose to stay away when she left the door open for him to be there for his kid. He chose to be a kid while she was forced to raise his. Even though they're not together anymore, it can't have felt good to hear all that. Sherri didn't say any of it on purpose but Lorelai has a right to feel as hurt and abandoned as she does.