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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Daniel R

Well hello Klaus :)

paige bloomer

I just wanted to give a heads up that the vimeo link isn't correct its playing a gilmore girls reaction

Brianna Dawson

You are speaking for everyone when you say Caroline deserves better.

Futuristic Girl

Basically, the witch put Klaus's essence into Alaric.

Therese Larsen

Oh no no, Ric isn’t Klaus meaning he’s been Klaus the whole time - the witch just basically «put» Klaus into Ric’s body. That’s what the blood and the spell did. My god no, Ric being Klaus the whole time would’ve been a terrible idea 😳😳


I can’t wait until you meet the real klaus❤️ Also, to clear up the whole deed thing, only humans can sign it for it to become a ‘safe house’. If a vampire signs the deed, it won’t have any effect. As long as a house is occupied by a human, any human in the house can invite you in. That’s why John could invite Isobel in. Another thing, if a human signs the deed and they die, even temporarily, the deed becomes basically useless and any vampire can enter.

Tendai kangas

with Jenna it wasn't just that they didn't tell her, it was that she actually asked Ric about all this and he straight up said she is dead and would rather not talk about it, even if Jenna felt like he was hiding something.

john segun doe

uhhhhhh god i cant wait for klaus


it was really clever to put Klaus into Alaric's body - that makes for a great way to get info about Elena without them knowing. You'll get to see that Klaus always has the best/ most evil plans. ;)

Sade L.

It’s about to get good 😩


Your question about why Isobel took Elena so far away: just so that she was safe until that witch obtained Katherine and the moonstone. So that Elena won't get kidnapped by Katherine or anyone else in the meantime. They need her for the sacrifice. Isobel's work is done though which is why she got compelled to kill herself.

Janeka Rector

The Vimeo link goes to the Gilmore Girls s. 3 ep 5

Janeka Rector

And then Jenna spent the whole episode with Elena and the girls lamenting about her problems with Ric and everyone was just quiet. Jenna was gaslit by everyone around her.


Sometimes, no lie, 4 or 5 scenes in a row you complain about something and a lot of them are either so ridiculously minor, or just misunderstandings/not remembering on your part. It's small things and it shouldn't bother as much but boy does it add up. Anyway, as before, witches are really powerful if they get the jump on you, and an easy as heck kill if they get jumped on. I don't see it as OP, it's a glass cannon situation. Jenna had a whole episode being bothered by Rick hiding things, confiding in Elena and having a girls night about it, only to find out she was 'confiding' in someone who was hiding the truth from her in cahoots with the person she was having issues with. Pretty decent sized betrayal in her eyes

john segun doe

wow great breakdown bro. I was also having trouble understanding jenna crying and what i thought was being a bit much but now i get it


Lol, I have no clue whether this is genuine or sarcastic. Could honestly go either way since my comment comes off a bit aggressive.

Valencia Lanier

Can’t we just wipe Matt’s memory? They’d have to find him first. That’s why Caroline is panicking because she’s worried he’ll tell someone before they find Matt. Yeah Bonnie has a lot of power but remember the downfall to using too much power. Grams died from using too much power and Bonnie was getting nosebleeds and passed out that one time. And the witches gave Bonnie a warning about trying to kill an Original, it will kill her too so all that power won’t save her.

Lynell Twiner

You are no different than anyone who watched for the first tine.. Making statements, asking questions, saying somethings dumb...lol. No worries just know it's about to be crazy good

Ryan Pulliam

Did anyone else get s gilmore girls link when going to vimeo?


I heard that Dawn slip up lol! Mixing up vamp rules on the two vamp shows :D That tickled me

Nan A

Jenna deserves to be hurt and upset. She was totally gaslit so many times. I think she was more hurt that Elena didn't tell her. If you remember they didn't tell her about Jon being her father either and then she found out from Jon.


The vimeo link is not TVD 2X17, but Gilmore Girls 3X5