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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



T-bag in my eyes is such a useless character at this point in the story. That twist at the end was good! I figured he would shoot Mahones, but I wasn’t expecting him to turn against the president.

john segun doe

Yah i also used to wonder how tf this man t bag was literally baggin chicks. Like in the beginning when he invaded her personal space by wiping her face was weird af. Seemed way too implausible that she would see that as anything but creepy. Not to mention the dude looked like a crack addict and what seemed to be as a sweet lonely lady just randomly had sex with him cuz of a few lines he threw at her. Odd to say the least.

Daniel R

T-Bag is an asshole, sometimes you need that one villain who just goes too far because otherwise you don't consider them that much of a threat; with T-Bag you never know what he's going to do, but if you cross him in any way I'd be scared looking into that motherfucker's eyes as he's making a move to kill you lol

Amanda Winner

besides his looks, he is pretty charming with his lines. Plus all the women he goes after probably don't have many suitors so they're more likely to be open to it

Amanda Winner

I love this T-Bag for this reason, he is such a "good" bad guy, the actor is amazing

Dr. Foppo

"Remember when the show was just about escaping prison?" It never was, though... The elaborate prison break is certainly what makes this series unique and it's the Season 1 Plot of the main character - so it makes perfect sense to call the show "Prison Break". It underlines what makes the show special and is catchy. But "Prison Break" was never a prison break story. It has always been a Government Conspiracy story of "The Company" - a corrupt secret corporate group - taking control of the US Government. That's why half of Season 1 was about how Lincoln got arrested and why he went to prison in the first place. So as a genre, Prison Break is somewhat like Nikita. In Nikita you have a corrupt Government Agency that tries to control the Government. In Prison Break you have a corrupt corporate group that tries to control the Government.