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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation




Damn you, I was about to go to bed! See you in an hour for my comment.


Okay since it's never stated (like outright but there's clues in there to inform the viewer) this isn't a spoiler to say that Anne is so calm about the fact that he's a vampire, and (probably) the reason why she looks so familiar is because she was in Buffy, twice. As Chanterelle (Lie to Me) and Lily (Anne). At the end of Anne, when Buffy decided to leave LA and go back to Sunnydale Lily asked if she could 'be Anne'. And has apparently embraced that. Which is probably why I rate this episode around a 7. It's a lovely call back. BTW also when she explains why she didn't think vampires were a turn on anymore was because she "met one" it was Spike in Lie to Me, though she did meet Angel in that episode as well. Other good stuff, the former team Angel members bonding. They're getting closer and less bickering. Lilah and Lindsay getting some decent screen-time and development, along with their paranoia increasing as the episode goes on. Merl was pretty good in the episode. The actual tape with Cordy and Wes at the end of the episode was pretty funny. The less good stuff, The random demon of the week was weak really. The idea being that Angel in the 1920s was arguing with a demon over a 'senorita' is a bit....weird, when he's supposedly overcome with guilt having gotten his soul back. Bit TOO random. 6-7 for me. Some good, some bad. Pretty decent episode, but it came after some really great stuff from the last few episodes. Although there was some good character development for Wes, Gunn and Cordy it was a bit of a filler episode, but it was nice to see Chanterelle/Lily/Anne again.

john segun doe

after the darla stuff. this was a necessary change and shift to angel. luvn it

Calvin Allen

I really don't care for this episode. The Anne appearance is the only thing that does interest me and I am not even a big fan of her character

john segun doe

Angel stated he couldn't out them cuz they never spoke about to anyone besides each other aka Paranoid af. Him embarrassing them though plays on what angel said earlier in the episode to lyla about screwing with them. No more mr. nice guy, his aim is to now live rent free in their minds and completely get to them & how far he'll go to do that is the journey worth watching

Rafael Lemus

Shoutout to really cheap beer this episode. Cordy, Wesley, and Gunn all drinking Steel Reserves in the daytime since they are currently jobless is a mood. At least they were on their way to check out a new office space. An ok episode but the appearance of Anne was a welcomed surprise!


This isn't Anne's first appearance in the buffyverse. She was in the episode of BTVS 2x07 'Lie to Me' were she was apart of a vampire worshiping cult and went by the name Chantarelle. That was until as she meet a true vampire (spike). It was also here that both Angel and Anne first crossed paths. But neither remember meeting each other. Then she shows up again in the episode of BTVS 3x01 'Anne' where she's now going as Lily Houston and was a homeless teen on drugs dating a kid named Rickie. Rickie gets killed and Lily gets abducted by a demon posing as a director of a shelter for runaway teens in order to take them to a hellish place where they would be slaves until they died. Buffy saves her and that's when she asked Buffy if she could be Anne (Hey, can I be Anne?). There are little winks and Easter eggs to her past in this one. Merl tells Angel she has changed her name a few times (her real name is Joan Appleby) and She talks about meeting a vampire when Angel asks her why she wasn't more upset about him being a vampire. I love this episode just because we get to see her and how far she has come in life from being a troubled runaway teen to helping homeless teens herself.


I was wondering if you'd recognize Anne, haha. It's ok, I know a lot of people don't. But since you "want to know more about her," that's what re-watches (Buffy 2x07 and 3x01) are for! 😉 She even named herself after Buffy! I really love her as a background arc across the Buffyverse. She's like a walking illustration of the ripple effect of Buffy's heroism. Now Anne not only has her life together, she's a lot more worldly, and she's actively helping others and potentially saving lives herself. Love to see it.


I also like Anne's decision to work at a charity that helps at-risk teens. This ties directly to Anne being a former at-risk runaway and how she was able to turn her life around so she could help kids who are in the same situation she used to be in.


I liked how this episode showed the rest of the team growing stronger through continuing with the mission while Angel's growing obsession with destroying Wolfram and Hart (letting the lawyers die in the basement, messing with them in this episode) weakens him as he moves further away from his mission of helping the helpless. Plus I love a good Buffy callback and was happy to see that despite what she had gone through (almost being killed by Spike and almost being stuck working for the rest of her life in a hell dimension) Chanterelle/Lily/Anne was able to find her own strength and find a way to help others.

Ray D

I like this episode. I think that the reason why people don’t seem that into it in general is that this comes right on the heals of a major Darla/Dru arc and this is a change of pace. I love the continuity of Anne/Lily/Chanterelle. As other people have pointed out, she has been in two episode of of Buffy. The most recent being the season 3 premiere called Anne. Where Buffy meets Anne (then Lily) in the coffee shop in LA. Buffy is going by her middle name which is Anne. Then at the end of the episode she reclaims then Buffy name and gives Anne to Lily. So technically, the name Anne comes from the fact that it’s Buffy’s middle name. In the episode Lie to Me, she meets Spike and that’s the vampire that she mentions to Angel. But she also crossed paths with Angel. I don’t think they speak to each other in that episode but they are at the same party. So they actually do have a lot of connections even though they seems to not know or acknowledge any of that.


Yeah it's a great statement on just how far she's come, since only a few years ago, she would've been one of those kids at the shelter, just looking for someone to care.


The actress(Anne) looks familiar because what others have said above is that Anne was in 2 episodes of Buffy(as the same character with diff names). The episode is much better if you recognize her.


as others have said...this episode is more enjoyable when you remember who anne is. you noted that she didn't seem surprised by the fact that angel was a vampire or by the blue demon guy. that's because she is already fully aware that vampires and monsters exist from being exposed to them in the episodes "lie to me" and "anne". also, i figured once she introduced herself as anne it would click for you who she was. remember at the end of the episode "anne" in buffy's season 3, she gives her apartment and ID to this girl and the girls asks buffy if she can be "anne" now. buffy basically gives the girl her identity. anne is taking her experiences of being a homeless teen (which we saw in the episode "anne") and is now giving back to the community by running a homeless shelter for the youth. her character really comes full circle, which is awesome. she has an edge to her, and she's tough because she's seen so much...but she's also compassionate and wants to make a positive difference in her community. she is a great re-occurring character in the buffyverse.

Fighter seVen'eiGht

The only thing I never got is why they never seemed to recognize each other. Didnt she meet Angel at the vampire wannabe club?