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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



It was Mercer, she mentions his name to Keith in her office afterwards just before Maddie arrives, just in case people hadn't worked it out yet. Given it had been so long since I'd watched season 3 when I saw this one I needed that reminder of his name, but I worked out who he was based on their conversation at the prison.

Ray D

This episode is like the season 3 catchup with Tim the TA, Mercer, and Max all making an appearance. Also, I know that the overwhelming majority of the audience seems to ship Logan and Veronica but I personally have always liked Veronica more with Leo. Don’t get me wrong, I like Logan too and don’t dislike him with Veronica but I just like the relationship that Leo has with Veronica when they are together more. Leo is Veronica’s best match if you ask me. I have to be honest, I feel like Leo absolutely knows Logan and visa versa. Just off the top of my head, in the season 1, 80s dance episode (Ruskie Business), Leo shows up as Veronica’s date and Logan is there hammered drunk dressed as risky business Tom Cruz and Leo let’s Logan slide on the drinking because he had just found out his mother was really dead. In episode 1 of season 2 when Logan is at Veronica’s place after the big fight with the PCHers in the series 1 finale where Felix ends up dead, Leo shows up to Veronica’s place to arrest Logan. And maybe the biggest connection, in season 2, Leo was the one who sold Logan the sex tapes of his father and Lily having sex from evidence. If I’m remembering correctly, Leo had a sibling with a mental disability and needed the money to pay for that. Keith figured out that it was Leo and that resulted in Leo’s firing as a deputy in Neptune. Also, Logan destroyed the tapes and that was one of the reasons that Aaron Echols was acquitted in his trial for killing Lily because they didn’t have the tapes. These seem like pretty big connections for them to not know each other.


Certainly three things that point to Leo definitely knowing Logan, plus the fact that Logan was never really out of the news for most of his younger life. But I can consider buying that Logan maybe doesn't remember Leo. If he was drunk, just recently beaten up and maybe didn't know it was Leo who sold the tapes. No dump on your theory there, I like it. I think it just more points more to Leo definitely knowing Logan but Logan being rather self centred back then might not have remembered him or who he is.


Excellent episode. Love the writing and the pacing of this season and this episode in particular. That was indeed Mercer. But yeah agree with you. A wonderful episode and a really strong 8.

Kirsten (Heavenli24)

Leo and Logan definitely know each other, or at least each knows who the other is... no idea why it was written like they didn't - I can only assume Rob Thomas forgot his own canon, as happens a lot in this show. In 1x15, Leo helps Veronica with drunk Logan at the dance before Trina picks him up (Logan asks 'who's this guy?'). In 2x01 Leo arrests Logan for Felix's murder at Veronica's apartment (he knows Logan is there because he recognises his SUV parked outside), and in 2x10, Leo sells the Lilly Kane tapes to Logan for $50,000. So they absolutely know each other.

Alexis Cardarella

I think that we’re overthinking it. The thing is, Logan never got formally introduced to Leo, and considering the circumstances of all the times they did cross each other’s paths, I can see Leo assuming Logan might not remember him, ie Logan being very drunk, then severe trauma of that night leading up to his arrest. And as far as we know, Logan never got Leo’s name, so he was none the wiser when selling him the tapes.


Well the first time they met Logan was heavily drunk and probably doesn't remember anything from that night. Also the second time you mention he had just been beaten up really bad and was probably only driven to the sherrif's department by Leo. Probably a 95% chance they didn't have a meet and greet in the police car. As for the third one, we don't exactly know how the trade went down - it might have been anonymous and discreet. Yes, Leo probably knows Logan but since Leo didn't/couldn't give out his name in the exchange of it all for obvious reasons.


The mention of Veronica working with Leo while Logan was deployed was a reference to one of the novels! The novels takes place after the movie and before S4 :D I highly recommend reading a detailed summary of both books to get some clarity on several things that actually come up in S4 just so you don't get too lost.


@adam "I made a lot of these points earlier, but fine, no one listens to me." Giles - Buffy (Pangs) season 4.

Leora Nechama

I hate how Veronica comes back and tries to accuse Weevil of shit. He's always had her back and she knows how many times stuff has been pinned on him.