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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Nathalie 9090

I have to completely disagree with you on this episode. I just feel like with walking dead, people might want it to be the action pack all the time and that's not always the case. Particularly with new introductions, it can be about the subtletles, the information, the curiousities, the questions, the tentsion, which this episode was filled with for me. Also, I read a lot of comments when an episode is not involving the main group we follow, we're just not as interested. honestly feel like if they did do a cut back and forth with the main group and this new introduction, it would be too distracting and wouldn't flow as well as this episode did. This was a great episode with a lot of information and also a lot of questions, which builds intensity and also suspense for future episodes. I was hooked from minute one


this episode is amazing.


I like this episode because it is something different. I’m watching the walking dead for the first time with you and I've come to the realization that I don’t love any of the characters in the show right now. So I like how this episode focused on a new set of characters, which may include some interesting back stories in the future.

Jason Usher

i loved this episode, It was showing you a new community, until now we've only seen out group and then the farm, and Milton's(Dr) conversations were very intriguing, and They haven't "let them go" because Andrea asked Michonne to give it another day, and as far as the scene where they killed the military guys, the Governors guys snuck up while the He was distracting them, and them guys were there because they were waiting for the guys in the chopper to come back from scouting, & changing from our group to this would have changed the tone completely and everything the Governor was doing wouldn't have worked, one more thing the subtle intense scene when Merle was "bullying Milton" and the Governor gave him a scolding and you could see that Merle feared him was brilliant


Annnnnd Andrea is back and I’m already tired of her lol. Anyway yeah Michonne is quiet almost the whole time. It really shows how trusting Andrea is compared to how concern and careful Michone is. Super excited for more Merle 😸 Great reaction

Daniel R

I liked this episode a lot, and unlike others I do actually enjoy where they're taking Andrea's character. It's Michonne that's boring af, she just has a cool look but then lost her walkers-in-chains. I like communities like this and seeing how it operates under the stresses of the apocalypse. On the one hand you have a Ricktatorship and the other you have the Governor who gets his hands dirty so that his community doesn't have to. We're trained to see the Governor as a villain and it's easy to see it that way but he's not doing anything differently than Rick would or anybody else trying to protect their own.