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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Dani C

SHIELD is a renegade group now - where would they let him go to? He's at this point a dependent, but he's family. It's beyond being merely an agent now - Like with Skye - it's her life. There's also the fact that he may yet recover some of his faculties, enough to help.

Jarrod Williams

You're not too far off. Hunter knew SHIELD would get to Creel way before General Talbot would. Thats why Hunter went to Coulso, & to see what Coulson could do for Hartley & her family.

Jarrod Williams

In my opinion I don't think Coulson 100% knew that Talbot offered Hunter a deal. Being the smart man that he is, Coulson put 2 & 2 together & assumed Hunter was offered some sort of deal. Plus Hunter is a mercenary, so Coulson knows his loyalty is where the money is


Coulson trusts the people that vouched for Hunter (who we don't really know yet) enough that he placed a bet that Hunter would not betray them, but yeah he assumed getting caught by the military and showing up meant he had been offered a deal, Hunter didn't even try to hide that he had been offered a deal. Later on though, when he had the chance to kill Creel, he went for it, but this wasn't a part of Talbot or Reina's or anyones plan, just Hunter doing his thing. Btw, the general's name is pronounced mostly how it's spelled, Talbot. I think I was hearing you say 'Tabit' or something like that


As for getting rid of Fitz (as an Agency), I think even this broken version of him is better than the average Joe, for example in this episode without him they would have never stopped Creel, Hunter at the very least would definitely have been done for.

Calculatus Eliminatus

First, From this point forward SHIELD is a very clever and leaves lots and lots of hints that seem like nothing at the time but later you realize (especially on re-watch) that they've known where they were going for a very long time. As has been said, Hunter wanted revenge most of all. He wanted to keep his options open when it comes to what it will take to do it. He also felt very loyal to Hartley and Idaho and wanted to be sure they were and their families were taken care of. So, yes he "agreed" with Talbot's offer primarily to get free and back to Coulson so he could go after Creel. Coulson is the Director of SHIELD and very experienced. He knows what's what and can usually fill in the blanks pretty accurately. Raina was always after the Obelisk she just had to play the long game to get it for someone's father.