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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation




The next episode is probably one of the best of the series. So excited.


We’re supposed to wait and let Stephen discover that for himself.


If you remember, early in the season The Doctor scanned Amy and saw she was both pregnant and not pregnant--Schrodinger's baby. Some time before that, but after she got pregnant, Amy was abducted and replaced with the Flesh. We don't know why yet, but her conscious was linked to the Flesh. Amy was an Advanced Flesh. Remember the Doctor said he wanted to see the Flesh in "early days" to learn more, which is why they ended up at that facility. When the Doctor severed the link, the Flesh melted and Amy's consciousness woke up in her now 9 month pregnant body. Who did it? Why? Find out next week on...

Dani C

When the Doctor uses the sonic (which he has been teaching to read the difference between human and flesh) it destabilises the flesh Amy, so that it reverts to its liquid form - just as the flesh Doctor did when he turned himself, the ganger who stayed with him and the Jennifer ganger back to liquid. The difference is that the Amy ganger was still hooked up to the real Amy, who is somewhere else and about to give birth.


What's with the intro Steven has been getting for this season? I've been watching Doctor Who Live on BBC since 2005 as well as watching a bunch of other reactors and have NEVER seen that intro before with Amy's commentary.

Jason Usher

i got that same intro when i watched live, so idk maybe they only used it for certain regions

Jason Usher

Great Reaction, and yes The Real Doctor was the one yelling at Amy and the one who Amy told about seeing his death, and I agree Amy was a bit much in this onew, and I assume Amy got switched when they took her captive by the Silence in the two part opener of the season because She told the Doctor she was pregnant in ep1 and then by the end of ep2 she said she wasn't but the TARDIS kept switching back and forth between pregnant and not pregnant, cannot wait fo the next reaction, one of the 11th Doctors best episode, this one is a 9 for me


It’s my opinion. I can share my opinion on what episodes I like or don’t like. I do t see how that’s a spoiler since I literally said nothing about the episode other than that I think it’s great. Other people may have the opposite opinion, which they’re free to share, as well. 🤷🏼‍♀️

James Waters

I think it’s an American thing, or maybe just a Netflix thing if he watches on Netflix. In uk it’s the intro on Netflix I think. I don’t like it haha

Sufyaan Kazi

Confusion is good, especially when the next episode is written by Steven Moffat! Enjoy 👍🏼👍🏼