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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Amanda Winner

The episode was pretty stagnant based on most of the episode was spent in Eleanor's house trying to make a decision. However I think every episode of this show is important as it will never go in the way you think.


I agree with some of what you said, it wasn't as funny as most episodes and there was a lot of talking. You can't trust Michael the characters don't trust Michael, but if they don't work with him their memories will be erased again. Teaming with Michael is a bad option but its their only option. Also while it wasn't the greatest episode it was necessary to explain why they joined Michael, if he asked them to join and they just agreed that wouldn't make sense they needed to talk it through. It's not my favourite episode but is it important to drive the story forward so I disagree that its filler.


Man you fixated on michael tricking them,but u saw his pov last episode. What other options did they have? They did the most rational thing to do.


So, people have influenced your view of things, like for example whoever implied the big twist at the end of season one wasn't the only big twist the series would have or whatever. I'm not sure I even agree with that comment but even if I did, saying that was a terrible idea since it makes you likely to call BS on plans and confessions etc. when the story is not going for that 'vibe'. Like Ls7196 mentioned, we saw that Vickey blackmailed him and he actually told them all the truth, I don't know if there's a twist there

Ben McCauley

That’s not what filler episode means. Filler is the opposite, an episode where nothing progresses and no plot points matter.


Yes, but I am sorry I also disagree. Filler is where nothing happens. In this episode they decided to trust Michael because it's their best shot. If they didn't they would have went to the real bad place.

Ray D

Maybe this is semantics but I don’t think “filler” is the right word. To me filler is an episode where the major plot isn’t advanced at all. Like you could take it out of the season and not miss anything at all. I’d use the word “transitional” for the episode. It would have been too jarring to just go straight from, Michael is the enemy trying to mess with the crew to, they are now all working together. So you need this episode where they ponder the idea and make a decision as a way to transition from that original plot of the season to this new normal where they are all working together. I would agree with you that it’s not one of the better episodes though. But it definitely isn’t filler based on the definition of filler as I understand it. I think a 7 is a fair score though. One thing that bugs me about this whole thing is that now going forward with them working together, the characters have only known each other for a week. They don’t know anything that happened to them that we watched as an audience through all of season 1. So I feel like we went through a full season of getting to know the characters and their relationships and watched them grow and change but now we have to just go with it that they have only known each other for 1 week.

Ted Cali

I think enough people have (rightly) jumped on the whole “filler” thing. That said, we have literally spent an entire episode learning michael’s POV, rationale, and motivation in teaming up, so... why... why? Confused at the confusion.


This was a "necessary evil" episode. It needed to be done and sure, it didn't have all the dramatics from other episodes, but I don't think "filler" is the right word. I think one of the reasons why this episode is so lackluster in comparisons to others is because it's one, a bottle episode (an episode that uses as few non-regular cast members, effects, and sets as possible, which keeps cost down), and two, because they needed to show the "cockroaches" debating about whether or not they should help Michael. They know it's risky and that Michael could be lying, but there's the tiniest bit of a chance that he's telling the truth so they want to take it. The only other option is to continue to get tortured, which will happen anyway, whether or not Michael was lying. Even you said you'd never agree and the fact that they did was crazy. They needed to show this moment, the "group huddle" and Eleanor thinking about escaping, getting caught, etc. Not my favorite episode of the show or season, but a necessary one. A pot always simmers before it boils.