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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I think this episode is definitely worth a 9. I love the overall storyline because the emotional punch is most definitely there. It's so heartbreaking to watch the woman die upon sacrificing her life for the sake of her child's. And also having to watch her husband break upon him being forced to choose to save the life of his child over his wife, after he had been willing to sacrifice the child to save his wife's life first. Such a tragic story. As is the side storyline with baby Olive and her parents too. But with all that being said... while I hate Vogler because he is seen as a villain, who is willing to sacrifice two good and brilliant doctors in order to cut the hospital's ties with another brilliant doctor, I agree with you that Vogler is right that House is dangerous. Vogler is wrong to show his true face as a man who claims he can buy the hospital and its Board's loyalty with his $100,000,000.00. But House is dangerous and deserves to be fired in spite of him being a genius in his field. Compassion and kindness in a doctor is just as important, which is why Wilson is the kind of doctor any one of them should strive to be. I do love this show and most of its characters overall because they are unique, quirky, and a lot of fun. However, it also has its flaws that I don't like, especially because this show allows for House to get away with so much wrong just because he is who he is and it makes it seem like House is a hero for being who he is. And this is wrong.


Trust me. Vogler represented everything that is wrong with American medicine. I know I shouldn't get to judge, especially since I am not from US but I truly believe that, knowing what I know about the medical system there. I mean I look at countries like Denmark or Sweden or Canada with efficient systems caring for the patient needs and vulnerable groups. Whoever treats medicine like a business is a villain by principle, because you are basically invest by hoping to make a profit on the back of sick and vulnerable people, I honestly thank god that I wasn't born in US when it comes to the medical system perspective, since I need medicine and I was not part of a rich family and I also heard horror stories from the US where people in my condition (transplant) were left at the mercy of heartless insurance companies and people actually died or went broke then died because they couldn't afford the medicine.


I agree, however, I would much rather have a doctor like House who can cure me, rather than Wilson (assuming House can cure or figure things that Wilson can't). I am saying this because I met nice doctors who didn't know shit, made mistakes that costed my health. So them being nice didn't solve anything for me. The best doctor I have ever met was a surgeon who said 2 words total to me but did an amazing job on me. Thank god for him. If this kind of behaviour helped the doctor be this brilliant, it excuses almost everything in my book. So I guess I don't agree with you after all :) sorry, we can always agree to disagree. Cheers.

Sarah Trow

I never saw House as heartless or uncaring....he just has a low B.S. tolerance. He fights tooth and nail for his patients...even if that means lying to other Drs to cut through the red tape and politics.