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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation




The moment Jules breaks down and cries and Lassie just hugs her is my favourite moment of the series. Jules is always so strong but she just went through something so traumatic and Lassie isn't one for emotions or physical affection but here you really see how much he cares for her. It breaks my heart.


Arguably the best episode of the series - it's not my favorite , but it's damn good.


Without a doubt the best episode of the series. Even without knowing much about Hitchcock films I have very much appreciated the style of the episode. The music gave me constant chills, the characters made me cry and sigh and laugh, it was just perfect. Like us, you knew already what was coming with the title and all, and even without the element of surprise that season 3 had (of having a drama/thriller in a mostly comedy series) still manage to surpass even your wildest expectations. Amazing.


Never thought it meant much because Shawn was going to the pier on a hunch and also the conversation when Shawn said to Gus that the only way he can be there for Abigail is if he knows Gus was there for Jules.

Ted Cali

Yep. Best episode of the series, easily. And I always did take it that Jules is breaking down primarily because of the traumatizing near-death experience, but also in the back of her head because she realizes Shawn chose to save Abigail instead. Like, we know it’s more complicated than that, but she doesn’t.


I never got that vibe. Mind you that doesn't mean you're wrong, but it always felt like a 'was completely at the mercy of a psychopath and is only now letting the emotions roll in' moment. I didn't feel like it was Shawn related moment. This was supposed to be a reply to @Ted but I guess I wrote it here

Fredrik IB

Without a doubt my favourite episode of the series.

Signe (Seena) Stewart

My absolute favourite episode of the entire series!!!!!!!!! I haven't even started it yet, but I am excited!!! This took the show to a whole new level


I have been waiting for you to get to this episode since Season 1. I forgot how much of a beast Gus was in this episode, he showed actual bravery several times. We saw him go underground by himself with Juliet’s gun. We saw him hold the clock back until Lassie could stop it. We saw Gus put together several clues. Also, watching Shawn’s relationship with his dad develop season by season is super satisfying to watch.

inga lola

It was a great episode, the ending gets me every time, whan the Band of Horses playing their Funeral song it's that cherry on top which completes this whole picture. I would say for me this ending is probably my favorite ending of any episode of any show I ever watch. The choice between Jules and Abigail was interesting since they both equally likeable and at times the audience probably could not decide who they like better for Shawn. Here she said it "I am not caught up for this" and we understand they are not right for each other cause this is who he is, that is his main passion, not love and family, but friendship and making things right in the Universe. Also I think one of the reasons this show have a cult following what Shawn and Gus are equals, they both shine in their own way, they complete each other and Gus is not lesser character in any way that Shawn

Cindy Lou

Having to pick between two girls is so cliche, it's the only reason I don't like this episode more. I would have liked it more if they'd gone after Gus and Abigail, or Henry and Juliet, or any other combination. Or if they actually went for Shawn this time in some way. But the Henry/Shawn scenes in this episode are wonderful. I haven't even watched your reaction yet, but those are my thoughts.

Cindy Lou

By the way, it was directed and co-written by James Roday.

Aribi Iwo-Brown

I would agree if it weren't for the fact that he didn't tell him where to find Abigail. He told him to choose and basically gave him one choice kind of like he was shipping Shawn and Juliet.