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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Now let me ask you this. If someone came to you and accused your mother like that, How would you react? Would you immediately belive them?

Clay W

This was a great reaction, but the whole thing with Oliver being so adamant about his mom not being a part of the conspiracy is getting old. It's been a while since I've watched season 1 so I forgot how defensive he got toward Diggle about this. I get that it's his mom, but he should know by now that anyone is capable of anything including people in his own family.


I completely agree with you about the sister thing with Oliver and Laurel. I had a preference for Oliver and Felicity over them too. I think it was because she quickly became my favourite character and I found the chemistry between her and Oliver to be more believable.

messiah waite

I think the thing is, Oliver isn’t totally wrong in his reasoning. Ye he’s a little flawed because he’s not willing believe his mom is a bad guy but she’s pretty convincing. Also she’s not on the list, and also the only evidence they have is her having the book. Which there could many reasons why she could’ve had it. If we as the audience didn’t know she was shady we’d probably be on the fence too. But the show told us right away she was bad so we’re thinking duhhh Oliver she’s bad but it’s not that obvious you know? On another note I like how Oliver has his bruce Wayne vibes going on. I never realized how similar they were until I saw this show.


One question...how can you "murder" someone who is trying to kill you?

Jason Usher

great reaction, but of course Oliver is acting like that, it's his mom, he already lost his father(who he found out wasn't that good of a man) so he is trying to convince himself his Mom is innocent

Lea Connor

I've met a lot of the Arrow cast and they are lovely.


The CW is good at making flawed heroes