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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Daniel R

I think the honest general consensus of the series is Season 1 > 2 > 4 > 3. But if you're not feeling 2 then it could be interesting or a chore for you to continue with the show it seems


I love this season. For me it's a non-stop thrill ride. The twist explains a lot. I know opinions differ, but I love that they all keep heading in different directions only to converge again, by chance or circumstance. Maybe the biggest issue you had it's not worming up to Alex's character, something I've done from the start (I love that he is as smart and intuitive as Michael). I honestly do not find any of his deductions or due diligence to keep catching up to Michael and Co. contrived or a stretch, because an FBI lead would have to be that smart in order to lead the biggest manhunt in the US history (as Sullins put it this episode). I hope you start enjoying this season as it goes by. It definitely gets better after UTAH. Cheers.

Amanda Winner

Bro, they are cons, if they were satisfied with just one crime/one job, they wouldn't continue doing bad things, meaning why have $1 mil if they can have more.


You really, really have gripes about this money thing like any of it makes no sense. Michael ain't about to split 5 million he just now got with a group of cons who he mostly doesn't trust. Not to mention he feels guilty for letting T Bag out. Remember he was gonna tie his ass up for the cops. You have to put yourself in Michael's shoes here (the man ruined his life with this escape) and everything is relying on this plan after they failed with the plane and even the original escape which was sloppy due to Bellick finding the hole. The old 'PI Crew' as we usually was not some fraternity or clubhouse a bunch of wholesome individuals lut together. It's a group of criminals. One of which is a pedophile. It's normal for Michael to not want to provide a pedo and rapist means for which he can continue avoiding police and continue killing (imagine the damage T-Bag could do with 5 million). And while WE may like Ben because we know his story, all he is to Michael and Linc is a guy who blackmailed his way into the escape, and then blackmailed his way into the digging plan when he amd Sucre just showed up and potentially could've ruined it all. Long story short, he can't be trusted.


it's okay if you didn't like the episode. everyone is entitled to their opinion, and the points you made were valid. fans need to understand and respect that it's okay for you to not like episodes or seasons that they like.

Daniel R

I had no idea there was a fifth season o__O do I even dare watch it? lol

Sigh Berian

I have no idea what your problem with this season is. For me, I actually liked this season better than season 1. It seems like you have an idea of what needs to happen for you to like it, and then when it goes another way, a good logical way, you don't like it. What would be the point of the show if everything goes the way you want it. You also seem to want all these CRIMINALS, one of which is a pedo-rapist, to act trustworthy and equally divide $5 MILLION Dollars! I've known criminals that would backstab you for $20, let alone $5 million. Also, your reason for not liking Mahone is pretty dumb. He is the man in charge of the biggest manhunt in US history, and you want him to be a dumbass who can't figure anything out.


It’s fine if he doesn’t like it, but his reactions so far to this season kind of turned me off several eps ago, and now his reactions to this show are pretty my last resort to watch if I’m really really bored. I’ve been bored a lot at least, but I haven’t watched his reaction to this ep yet. Just being honest.

Ross Pogharian

Problem with S2 is that so many characters started acting different. Michael is a douche, Lincoln is a Peter Panic all the time, Sucre just does dumb move after dumb move, on top of Mahone never being bested for the first chunk of the season and turning into a psycho midway through that arc.

Ross Pogharian

What I'm saying is S1 had a central purpose (escape). S2 is all over the place, at least at first.

Johnathan Guiza

I understand your perspective, but I think you're being a little too down on things. 1. The money situation- Michael has a guilty conscience. Letting T-bag out, a known rapist, doesnt sit well in his heart. Giving him money would be helping him, so Michael is gonna do what he can to hinder T-Bag. However, I do get the perspective of screwing Ben, but if you were listening, Michael said he would send some money Ben's way to help his family. 2. With Sucre- How did Sucre even get to prison? He stole money to impress Maricruz. Not once but twice, so the guy has been making dumb decisions the whole series but now you're nick-picking. His whole thought process the entire series has been on Maricruz, so why is it a shock that his mindset after escape will be on her? 3. Michael of course had plans after escape, but there are many variables once you escape. There is no element of surprise. Nobody knew they were escaping. It's different now. Lastly, what I would say is it will get better, and you may end up liking the last half of the season. To me, it gets much better in back half of season 2 and the start of Season 3. My rankings season 1>3>2>4>5

Amanda Winner

also I really like in this episode the bond between Sucre and Michael that is shown


Michael wasn't screwing over Ben. His intention was to screw over Tbag. Why should he get a million? He is a rapist and pedophile. Michael worries about others...he isn't going to just give him a million. I would have been passed if they were screwing over Ben. Michael is still smart, but he has time to plan the prison break. What he's doing now is all on the fly in the real world while they are on the run. He's having to roll with the punches. The Sucre/Michael tree scene was to show their bond was deeper than they had showed so far. Michael wasn't going to leave him even if they got caught. It also showed that Sucre cared about him too because Sucre told him to go...even if it meant he died. We also see how Michael is just figuring it out on they fly as he has to work the problem. Sucre wasn't going to leave his girl. She's the entire reason he originally went to prison and the entire reason he broke out. She's the main thing that matters to him and it's been that way since the first episode. Is it smart? No. But he also robbed a store just to take her out on a date so... I hated the FBI guy too. However, I didn't have an issue with him figuring rhings out quickly. It isn't really all that quickly. He has an entire roomful of agents just working on this case. They just aren't showing the audience all the things that happen. I noticed that when they show him figuring something out on screen you says it's smart, but if it's off screen you say it was found too easily. The manifolds of the show isn't the FBI catching bad guys...it's the bad guys running from the FBI. So we don't see a n lot of the behind the scenes stuff like we would in a procedural. Also, Alex is someone that has tracked down a lot of people this way. He's made a career of it. He's likely pretty good at inferring what they might do or solving clues.


Another thing...you keep asking what the plan is. It's been mentioned a few times, so I feel like it isn't a spoiler. They all think they can get their families and get out of the US. So Micahel and Lincoln want to go to Panama. Now...Panama and Mexico but have extradition, so that doesn't make sense. However, it's like the showrunners figured the average viewer wouldn't know that. In every TV show/movie the criminals always try to get to Mexico, so it's sort of already in people's minds. So Ben and Sucre's plans of getting their loved ones isn't crazy in this show. They just assume they can cross the border and live normal lives in another country. The dangerous part is getting there.


I totally understand your annoyance with this episode and the season. :D

Dr. Foppo

It's pretty incredible how often you find things "dumb" simply because you don't like it. You not liking something doesn't make it dumb. You say they tried to "screw over" Ben. But they didn't. They never owed Ben a fucking thing. Ben has always been my least favorite out of all of them, mostly because he stumbled upon the escape plan by accident, forced his way in and immediately started to act bossy like he was running shit. Ben contributed almost as little to everything as T-Bag. What has he actually brought to the table throughout the whole series so far? Michael doesn't owe Ben a penny. If anything Ben owes Michael big time for getting out of jail for free. Abruzzi was the escape plan, Cooper was the money, Sucre became an actual friend...all Ben has done is acting bossy for no reason and calling people "snowflake". Oh wait, here's his contribution: he let everyone know about the money. The only reason a psycho scumbag like T-Bag even found out about the money is because the first thing Ben did when they got out of Prison was to tell everyone about the money and how Michael wasn't willing to tell them. Like...how much of a dick can you be to the guy who just got you out of prison...Michael got him out of prison and like 10 seconds later he chooses to act like a dick. Great. I was actually hoping for everyone but Ben getting a share and calling it Karma. Instead...we've now got T-Bag with 5 Mill who was only there to begin with because Ben told him about it, like the dick he is.