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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation




"The cellist" was mentioned several times in The Avengers, Coulson tells Pepper about her when he goes to Stark Tower, then later Tony offers to fly them out to the coast, which she mentions here, about them planning a trip to the coast, and then finally when Cap asks Tony if he had someone in his life Tony says something along the lines of "there was a cellist, I think." So it was a good payoff to that setup which was all probably throwaway dialogue at the time.


Maria Hill! You asked about opinions so I'll say, I really like this episode though it's not flawless. I think (though I could be wrong) you are letting the fact that you know Ward is bad and the way the show is framing the scenes with tense music and such, affect the way you think characters are being dumb around him. Should Eric have pushed Ward a bit more in the interrogation, for sure. But Ward had sold that the readings were off because of the pain he was in. You talked about him answering questions 'wrong' or 'right', but the machine can't state that, it was more like: are his readings coming out calm or under stress. So when even for a simple question he gets a stressed signal (cause he was poking himself to feel intense pain) he messes with the baseline for the reading, then he answers the "Skye" question and stops hurting himself and it seems based on the stress-less reading that he had just unloaded... that being honest about his feelings gave a clear reading so that must have been what had him stressed when he was asked if he had an ulterior motive for being here. It's not a perfect system because there is no perfect lie detecting system. Also they said Fury never said whether or not Black Widow could beat it. The scene could have been done better, I agree, but it didn't bother me too much. You got a little, anti-Eric there and I understand that, but then throughout the episode there were some good things he did and you were not about it lol. Him letting Skye hack NSA for the feed of the Fridge was a good thing, it would show Garrett and Ward attacking. He also hid the fact that lanyards had trackers on them because even passing the lie detector test he had reservations on trusting everyone fully. Thanks to that, Ward was caught. Enjoyed the reaction though, and even if the episode didn't fully do it for you, it is setting up some really great moments coming up. Looking forward to it


maria would be agent maria hill, nick furys right hand

Angela Colon

Regarding the Ward stuff, lets be honest he put that pin in his finger so that the test was messed up anyway. He was supposed to be in pain during the whole test. So he wasn't sure about whether Ward was answering well or not. I think it worked.

Katherine Thoreson

The cellist is played by Amy Acker, a great actress who is in other Whedon properties as well. However, she does not play the cello. She made a few hand movements while holding a cello. The composer for the series is Bear McCreary, a great composer who has worked on a lot of really great properties. He watched the hand movements that Amy made, and composed the piece of music that we hear during her scene and the Skye/Ward scene based off of that. Then a professional cellist played the piece for the show. This is from Bear's website. He also has a youtube channel. This link has no information outside of what a viewer would know at this episode, but I wouldn't go wandering around the full AoS section. :) https://www.bearmccreary.com/#blog/blog/agents-of-s-h-i-e-l-d-the-cellist/ And then, just think, they put this much care into this one composition, in this one scene. This is why AoS is amazing, why it just gets better and better, and why it will be one of my favorite shows of all time.