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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation




yeah I agree with you about what you said about Burt. It's not fair to Kurt, the way he acts towards Finn is something Kurt never experienced with Burt. Of course Kurt is gonna get sad, the fact that Burt still has some kind of problem with Kurt being gay pisses me off. But at the same time I'm glad that Burt's character is not perfect or totally shit. The songs in this episode were banging, especially the santana and mercedes duet. Their vocals blend and fit very well and I love their individual voices. I'm really excited for you to hear more santana cuz she's my favorite singer and in my opinion one of the best in the show.


Looking at it from Kurt's perspective I'd be MAD AF if my dad started hanging out with some other kid instead of me even if it had nothing to do with sexuality I'd still want my dad to be there for me not someone he just met. However, when I see Burt's perspective I think of someone who's had to go from being a high school jock who made fun of being gay with his friends, to a dad with a gay son so I can see his point of " I'm trying.'' But at the same time, Burt said he's known about Kurt being gay since he was 3 and you're telling me he's still trying? Then when I see Finn's perspective I feel for him since he's never had a dad or any father figure and maybe he got caught up with finally having one, but Finn also knew that Kurt didn't like that and continued to monopolize Burt's time. I think I see everyone's view and I don't think any of them are complete victims because although Kurt had ever right to be upset (again I would be too), he didn't see how happy his dad was with Carole and didn't think of the consequences when he set them up because all he wanted was to get close to Finn, a very straight guy so in the end all 3 had their moments of being right and wrong. Kurt's solo tho was iconic!!!

Clay W

I get what you're saying about Burt, I do and I also don't agree in this situation. It was messed up for Burt to ask Finn to do something without asking Kurt first. However Kurt doesn't like anything that Burt does, and the same goes for Burt. Sure they could find more things to do together, but honestly I feel like Kurt could've talked to his dad before acting all weird like that. I'm bi and when I came out to my family most of them especially my mother were not excepting of who I am, we haven't been close in years so to say Burt is awful is a big stretch considering how some people kick their kids out for this kind of thing.


You make a very good point especially with that last statement. It’s just in the heat of the moment I was so upset with the situation.


Like you I was never really a fan of Finn's voice, but "Jessie's Girl" was always one of my favorites of his. Also, yes that one song Kurt did was an existing song. It was "Rose's Turn" from the Broadway show "Gypsy," and they just subbed in their character names.


As someone who can relate to Kurt because I am a lesbian. I TOTALLY see where he was coming from in this episode. I have always thought my mother wanted a better and more “feminine” daughter. It hurts as a young LGBT teen to see your parents bond with someone who is straight and relates better to them. Burt loves Kurt 100%, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t perfect or can’t make mistakes. I do see where Burt was coming from, but at the end of the day Kurt is a scared lonely gay boy living in a conservative town in Ohio. All he has is his father, and it must hurt for him to think that Burt is bonding with someone who is straight, and more “masculine” than him. Of course he’s going to think it’s because he isn’t a typical guy like Finn. The one thing I really liked about this season is that they really explored Kurt’s struggle as a gay teen between his unrequited crush on Finn, his loneliness of his father bonding, and his coming out.


Burt has probably been inviting Kurt to things like baseball games for years and Kurt has likely been turning it down. So since he knows Kurt won't be interested he invites Finn instead. Now Burt could maybe do better to go out of his way to find things that Kurt is into to do together, but I don't see this situation as being wrong whatsoever. Also keep in mind that Burt is also looking out for Finn as well who lost his dad when he was young. Finn needs fatherly attention just as much as Kurt and while he may not be Finn's dad I respect the fact that he is trying to give him some attention as well.

Vicky N

Actually Burt is a very popular character. Sure he inadvertently hurt Kurt feelings but as soon as he realized he immediately tried to make up for it. He messes up sometimes but he always have his son back and his love for him shines through. My favorite song was Puck feat Mercedes “The lady is a tramp“. It was flawless.

Dana (Dah-Nah)

To think we probably would've never got the iconic 'The Boy Is Mine' cover if it weren't for Naya doing a Monica impression on set lmao


I love Burt I don’t think he was wrong in inviting Finn . They’ve said before Kurt doesn’t have the same likes and dislikes as Burt . It’s hard to adjust from what you were hoping you could do with your kids and find out they aren’t into it. Let alone being gay or lesbian. That’s a big adjustment it’s also a lot to ask from most people to just snap and change there outlooks on life or likes or dislikes. I totally understand where you are coming from but I gotta say Burt has been denied a lot of things as well it’s not wrong for him to have fun with Finn. Also Finn did lose his father at a young age so he was probably excited to have a father. I always wondered why Kurt didn’t spend time with Finns mom since they get along so well. Anyway I believe Burt would knock someone’s block off if they spoke badly about Kurt and at the end of the day they both love each other and would do anything for each other if it came down to it. Can’t wait for next reaction!!😸 also Kurt is by favorite character as well!

Ceara Abrahamsz

Sorry not sorry but Burt>Kurt 🤷🏼‍♀️💯