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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation




This will always be a favorite of mine. It always brings the feels when I watched the “We’re family.” Scene. But I’m more excited for next episode that sits in my top 5.


All hail the rise of "Miss Kitty Fantastico" may her reign be eternal


Remember when this show originally came out, all the shows that are now so Progressive are that way because of this show. They still have not shown them kiss.

Ari is my Cat

So many great episodes this season.


"witch" = "gay" in this storyline and so much more


So yeah, they definitely used this episode’s witchcraft at least partially as a euphemism for being a lesbian. If you get a chance, go back to the scene with Tara and her dad in her room. He picks up a really phallic crystal and talks about how he’d hoped she’d get over her phase but he says she’s still got her “toys” (like a dildo). Also, I figured Tara’s cousin is like so many women who want others and themselves in their “proper place”. Even after finding out the fact that there’s no demon in them, she’s still mad that Tara won’t go home and tend to her dad’s house. I wish that seemed super out of place, but where I live they just placed a ban on abortions and I’ve mostly seen other women who are happy about this. We really haven’t come that far in 20 years. Anyway, I love the episode and your reaction to it. Glad you like this one! ☺️


Witchcraft is a huge metaphor for sexuality in BTVS . As this was one of the first relationships between two women on network TV, they had to be very careful as to what they did and said. Which is why Tara and Willow haven't even kissed on screen. Joss whedon had to fight for every inch back then.

Kacey Caldwell

Sandy the Vamp was turned in Season 3 Episode 16 Doppelgangland by Vamp Willow. Edit because i got the order of things wrong: Tara talks about her mom in past tenses. Her mother was a witch who taught her and Tara has compared Willows power level with her mothers


This was big, this was a pivotal episode for many.

Alexis Cardarella

Does anyone have an issue with these three things locking on their phone, not enabling you to watch it full view when you turn your phone sideways? I’ve had this happen the past year on patreon. I have to go to my email to open them and see them full view.


Just to clarify, prior to season 5 Buffy was an only child. There were references to the fact she was an only child in some throwaway lines in earlier seasons, which without rewatches you may not have caught on to. This was why viewers were so shocked in the beginning of this season when we were introduced to Dawn as Buffy's sister.

DJ Doena

Hey look, it's Amy Adams, the girl from the Smallville episode with the fat-sucking meteor freak! Has she done anything recently? :-p

Other Boy Reactions

I didn't realize until I got older that Amy Adams' character was still bitchy at the end there because like you said she had been brainwashed for so long into thinking that all the women, including her, were part demon and evil, but now that she knows that that was all bullshit she has no idea what to do with herself. She had probably spent her whole life thinking her life was going to be a certain way and accepted it, but now she can be free, but has no idea what that means or even looks like. So she took it out on Tara. Tara is free, but freedom scares the hell out of cousin Beth and she'd rather stay trapped because it's familiar. Sad, but it's ok because she changed her name to Amy Adams and went on to be a famous actress. Can't believe she's the same person in Sharp Objects.


"I'd be turning them all into rats!" 😂😂😂 Yes, very much a metaphor for queerness in a lot of ways, the examination of being raised in a really repressive/controlling/abusive environment. In regards to your question about how accepting people were - most of us? VERY. Buffy's audience has always been fairly inclusive in a lot of ways (though the show deserves a lot of the crit it gets for its lack of poc *whole* diff conversation tho). But for the network? Not so much. Lol. I personally wasn't the biggest fan of this episode overall, it's always felt a bit filler to me - especially for a Joss episode - but I do love the message in/of it, and have loved Tara from the start so I don't mind so much. Loved your reaction, looking forward to the next! :)


Sharp Objects! Oh wow, that show just crawled under my skin. Even thinking about it unnerves me (but it was also so gorgeous).

s jaco

I hadn't even noticed before that Tara's brother is the same actor as the cop in Lucifer. I love this episode, but then I really like Tara, so that makes it more interesting to me.

Ari is my Cat

Season 3 Episode 3 Buffy's mom says she is not used to sharing because she's an only child.


Nope, Buffy's never had a sister. I think you retroactively convinced yourself she did in order to help your brain make sense of the Dawn situation in earlier eps, haha. As far as the episodes written/directed by Joss go, this doesn't really rank as one of my faves, but it's still a solid episode. I also feel like it was kind of a meta way for the show to acknowledge that they hadn't really integrated Tara as a proper part of the group the way they had with other characters (like Anya). Amy Adams' pre-Junebug career was wild. She just seemed to pop up in random guest spots on all my old shows when I rewatch them, lol.

Mike Smith

To answer your question: this episode originally aired in 2000, just a few years after Ellen came out and the ensuing outraged lead to the cancellation of her show. Homosexuality was still very much a controversial topic at the time, and it's why you see so much metaphor around Tara and Willow's relationship. WB would not allow physical intimacy to be shown so magic often act as a stand in to create a feeling of intimacy. Pretty much anytime someone uses "witch" and it feels like they mean "lesbian" (ie. Buffy and Xander worrying about not fitting in at witch gathering or Tara's family disowning her for being a 'witch') it is absolutely intentional. The Tara/Willow relationship was one of the first gay relationships ever shown on primetime network television so at the time this episode was pretty groundbreaking and it was met with it's share of conservative outrage.

Vicky N

It’s cute that you think that what is explored here in term of patriarchal system is a thing of the past. Something that belongs to the era Spike was born into. The culture of male dominance of female bodies and minds is still a reality around the world and in the United States

Vicky N

The spell that Tara put on her friends was to hide her demon side. She believed that she has demon parts mixed with her humanity, that’s why they could still see her. A vampire on the other side is a demon using a dead body, not a human with demon inside it. That’s why, among other things they dust when staked. The spell works on Spike because once the demon is hidden, there isn’t a human body to see.

Calvin Allen

Tara is my favorite character

Calvin Allen

I feel like Beth is also mad because without Tara all the pressure and abuse is directed at her alone.

Juan Sanchez

Hahaha come on Buffy Dawn can't even run lol And Buffy invented everything yes even Fast and furious family.

Mariella Nilsson

Different in different countries I guess, in my country tara and willow wasn’t a big deal. i mean people loved them, but their sexuality was never the focus. This episode did not create any controversy!

Daniel R

Tara was always low key one of my favorites, her storyline with Willow was the highlight of the show for me since they've been teasing it for far too long at this point. Also I'm not sure if you remember but Tara's actress was also on an episode of Supernatural back in Season 2, she's technically still alive in that universe ;)


little Sidenote the Vampire Sandy in Willis bar, is the girl from the episode Doppelgängland, who was bitten by Vampire Willow.


yeah buffy never had a sister like it was said by others. it has only just mentioned that buffy's dad lives in LA and thats it.


It's always one of those things I notice but realise that in watching it once or twice or even thrice it can be one of those things you forgot about. She was kind of a blink and you'll miss it character in both episodes. Well, long blinks. But still.


This episode always makes me teary by the end when the scoobies claim Tara as family... so sweet. Poor Tara. Her family seemed to be pretty abusive. The cousin is implying that Tara should be home cooking, cleaning, taking care of the men. That its absurd for them to be 'doing for themselves'. Its unfortunately common for women to have the same kind of misogyny, to have been raised to believe a woman's place is below a man's, etc. Her brother threatening Tara at the end implies it might not be the first time she has been threatened with physical violence. Tara has said that her mother was a witch and taught Tara from a young age. We don't know more than that, but it appears the family claimed the women have demon in them to try and control them further, and control their magic, perhaps? It seemed to me that poor Tara was so timid, shy, and stuttering because of her upbringing and awful family situation. But with the scoobies she was growing in confidence - until she sees her family again and you see the fear and anxiety instantly take over... I love that Tara finally found her family, a loving and accepting family. They were willing to accept her demon-side regardless. Its a lovely episode for her growth.