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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation




Jess does get better later,I’ve never been a fan of his earlier seasons but season 4&6 he gets better but only because Milo insisted that Jess grow up because he wasn’t a fan of early Jess either.


Jess shouldn’t have left her, but like you said he is a kid and he was scared. He knew he was going to get blamed for it even though it was an accident, which is exactly what happened. I don't agree with it but I understand him not wanting to stay there just to get yelled at for something that wasn’t anyones fault, accidents happen. Jess called the Ambulance and stayed behind to talk to the police. He’s a screwed up kid with a lot of growing up to do but he's not heartless. A big problem I have with the show is how the writers and everyone on the show treats Rory, like she is a saint who can do no wrong. Jess gave Rory the choice go back to the diner or keep driving, it was her decision to keep driving. Yet when anything bad happens its everyone else’s fault like she had nothing to do with it. Also I love Luke in this episode, when Lorelai yells at him he stands up for himself, I know she is worried for her daughter I completely get that but Luke isn’t there to be her punching bag. When he finds Jess he doesn’t yell he just listens because he knows Jess would never intentionally hurt Rory and in the end he sends Jess away which would have been a really hard thing for him to do.


I see Jess getting a lot of hate this episode, but I kinda felt bad for him here xD the whole car thing was definitely an accident, but the thing is, he blames himself for it. The reason he wasn't at the hospital with Rory was because he stayed behind to deal with the wreck and the police and then he went to the bridge (where he smoked probably to help himself destress) He's the one that asked to go back to New York and I feel that's because he can't face Rory right now, not after sending her to the hospital...at the end of the day, I agree that he acts like a jackass, but I like to focus more on the reasons why he does so (and the whole conversation he and Rory had in the car before the accident was both great and kinda eye opening as to how he sees himself and the way his life is run)

Valencia Lanier

“And y’all like Jess” I don’t like Jess. I’ve seen this show so many times and still don’t like Jess. Just because he’s a teenager with issues doesn’t excuse his crappy behavior.


I know this isn't exactly a show where spoilers are groundbreaking but I wish you guys wouldn't say some of the things you say especially when Steven himself says something like "I wonder if like Tristan, that's it for Jess". Steven obviously didn't think it was very likely but still, why mention he finally grows up at some point down the line, that could affect how he thinks things will play out for not just a couple of episodes, but entire arcs. I love discussion and reading the comments on these, just wish things would be kept to what has happened on screen up to this point.

Ina Durcekova

I love Lorelai, but I wanted to slap her in this episode. Rory is spoiled and everyone puts her on the pedestal as if she could do no wrong. This accident was just as much her fault as it was Jess' - no one forced her to get in the car. That being said, it was an accident, so it wasn't anyone's fault. I 100 % stand by Luke. And even though I dislike Jess, this wasn't his fault. Actually, this episode made me like him a little bit more - or at least feel sorry for him.

Valencia Lanier

Oh yeah. Loreli totally should have had loud words at Rory. Why was he even driving her car in the first place? Do we know what kind of driver he is? No questions were asked. It was an accident but they were irresponsible, playing in the car and not looking at the road and mind you Rory didn’t mention any of that. It’s not fair to blame Jess and not blame Rory either. Rory gave him the keys and said you drive so she could read to him. It’s just a bad situation that under normal circumstances, if Jess wasn’t an asshole, may have turned out differently. But Rory is no angel. She’s making messed up choices but no one is talking about those choices.


You're not alone Steven. I've never liked Jess. Don't like Dean either, tbh, but Jess being a fan-favorite was always a bit baffling to me.

Renee Pope-Munro

I never read the show:writers as believing Rory was a saint. I think they point out her flaws pretty clearly, but people don’t pay attention to the signs.

PamPam and her PamPams

Jess is a fan favourite for Rory, because they have so much in common. Anytime Rory talks to Dean about books, her school or harvard, the conversation's over within a minute. Jess reads, he is very smart, he challenges Rory in an intellectual way, which she probably digs and also needs. The fact that he's also cute doesn't really help her situation. I can see why she's into him even though he's a complete jerk. Dean is way too clingy, which is why she slowly loses interest . Thats nothing of the unordinary. I have done some way stupider decisions when i was 16 , cant really blame rory for having a crush on a jerk, we've all been there.

Ina Durcekova

Also, I just want to add a random thought (and I might get a lot of hate for it): I find it kind of strange that all guys Rory's age that have been introduced so far (Dean, Tristan, Jess) liked Rory romantically. I mean, I get that she is pretty, kind and smart and that's attractive. But she also has quite a lot of negative qualities. She is a complete mama's girl (which I don't hate on, I'm one myself, but let's be real, it's not exactly attractive quality for 16yo guys) and she is quite gullible and naive. She is also quite a nerd, she is doing her homework all the time, etc. (again, not necessarily a bad thing, but not something 16yo guys really look for in girls I think).

Marissa Brady

Re watching season 2 made me realize just how much I hated Jess's character. He was absolutely awful in this season. Rory was no picnic either in these episodes. She treated Dean really badly throughout this whole season and dean had done nothing to deserve it. At this point, Rory knows she likes Jess more than Dean and she should have just broken up with Dean. Instead, she just continues to string him along. When it comes to boyfriends, Rory does not act mature about her relationships. Neither does Lorelai, which is probably where she got it from. She had no right to get angry at Luke like that. Especially since Jess was his nephew and he really needed to see if he was okay. I was glad that Luke stood up for himself against Lorelai. She just expects everyone to do exactly what she wants to do without having to compromise or give up anything herself. It's not a good quality. Aside from that though, this was a really great episode and I enjoyed it immensely.

Mariella Nilsson

i can’t stand jess, so you are not alone! Everyone can get in an accident, but my problem with jess was that he did drive irresponsible, and that is not cool with me.

Mariella Nilsson

i don’t understand it either! I get that some people like the bad boys, but he was such a lame bad boy! More spoiled and lazy, than bad!

Tendai kangas

I didn't like how loreli wasn't mad at Rory but was mad at Luke, I honestly think Luke is doing such a great job with this troubled child, and it is mostly Rorys fault for putting herself in this situation. Yes Jess is an asshole but he brings a nice dynamic to the show especially with the relationship between Luke and him. And you have to admit even though annoying quite funny


I can’t stand Jess and Rory has been annoying me so much with the way she acts around Jess. Lorelai shouldn’t have taken out her problems on Luke. Luke also needed to be a bit more harsh with Jess, so him sending Jess away doesn’t bother me at all. Christopher was actually ok this episode. As long as he & Lorelai aren’t romantic and he takes responsibility then I don’t mind his character. Great reaction. I pretty much agreed with everything you said!

Stephanie Bedworth

I give this episode an 8 based solely on Kirk's film.


I mostly love this episode ,except for Lorelais complete over reaction, which was ridiculous. Anyway this is milo ventimiglias favourite and that car ride is his favourite scene. Their conversation in the car about their futures sets the foundation of what they can bring to each other and that continues across the series. No matter what may go on, they will always want the other to be the best version of themselves, and that completely went over your head because you are too concerned about Dean’ couldn’t care less about Harvard’ Forester. Jess would never want to hold Rory back, like you suggested, and his observation about journalism being too rough for her is maybe him being very perceptive. You also missed the Princess Bride reference too ‘as you wish’. And you also try to make out thsat Jess didn’t care, like he left her at the hospital so he could go and smoke. How could you not see he was devastated. That image of them both upset sitting on the bridge together, thinking about these 2 girls, is one of my favourite Jess and Luke moments. Anyway Jess’s role at this point of the show is to create turmoil for Luke and Lorelai, and Rory, and for me he is doing a very entertaining job of it. It’s a journey with Jess and what his future role is remains to be seen.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Jess is terrible. I hate him. And Rory has a terrible taste in guys, but at least Dean is nice and is good to her.

Mariah Fallon

People are kind of harsh, Jess is a relatable complex character who is...a teenage boy who was neglected his entire life? This is a pretty realistic phase he is going through. I don't know, he's definitely an ass but a dynamic character that brings more to the story than a lot of characters and I think people should be able to empathize a little bit with him.


I appreciate that you're not charmed by Jess. I understand why Jess is the way he is but it doesn't make him less of an ass. A crappy childhood isn't an excuse for shit behavior. He's still responsible for his own actions. It doesn't mean he can't grow as a person but it also doesn't mean he's a good one currently.

Steve Quast

Jess is not a good person, but he is a good character insofar as he adds some spice and drama to the show. I like him as a character, but I would probably hate him if I met him in real life.

s jaco

I love Jess, he's like Damon and Spike. ^^ I don't see him as a bad kid, just a very bored and troublesome one. That doesn't really change with age or rewatches for me. I remain very much on his side in all of this. But about the episode, Lorelai as understandable as her reaction might have been, was bang out of order going after Luke.


I HATE Lorelai this episode. Her reaction is so over the top and it's always driven me crazy. I get that Rory was hurt, but she's fine. But her trying to pick a town movie is gold. I do like that Christopher steps up and comes to see them both. And while Luke and Lorelai's fight is intense - it feels very emotional and appropriate for what just happened.


at this point there's nothing likable about jess. he treats luke, the guy who took him in, like crap. he's flirting with rory even though he knows she's in a committed relationship, he has disrespected lorelai on multiple occasions, even the scene with him in class with lane he was bugging her while she was in the middle of a test...trying to make jokes while simultaneously being kind of rude and bothersome. the guy thinks everything and everyone is a joke. it's extremely annoying. yes i know he's had a hard life, but that's not an excuse to be a jerk to everyone.

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

Here's the thing. Ever since my first ever viewing of GG, I tend to skip Jess-related episodes. It always bothered me how Rory strung along a guy she claims to love while having all these feelings for another guy. I didn't like it so I just never bothered to rewatch these episodes. Now I'm rewatching them for the first time ever in over a decade with you and you know what? I'm realizing how much I HATE Jess beyond the whole Rory and Dean thing. All I remembered about him before was that he liked to read and maybe that's why he and Rory have a bond but now that I'm seeing these episodes again, it's like...He's the biggest jerk I've ever witnessed. His jokes aren't funny. His pranks aren't funny. His disrepect is downright offensive. Luke being so cavelier about Jess' problems isn't helping anyone, including Jess. And I truly don't understand what a nice girl like Rory can like about a guy like Jess. It's weird that someone like her can't see past the bad boy allure and good looks with Jess when she did that with Tristan. I don't know, maybe it's seeing these scenes with an adult perspective. It would be my worst nightmare having to handle a kid like Jess, who is so problematic, unwilling to even try and resents even any effort to connect with or help him. You're right. Both Dean and Jess seem like they'd hold Rory back. I think she should learn to be without a boy for a while. Sometimes that can be a good thing.