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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation




"Cousin Miguel" and "Oh my god I'm gonna die" are some of my favorite Styles moment


Love this show so much. And it does get so much better and more mature. Especially in season 3. Can't wait for you to reach it.

Marissa Brady

I just love watching season one of Teen Wolf again! The episodes were so great! That scene between Derek, Stiles, and Danny was hysterical! Well, any scene between Derek and Stiles is going to be hysterical. I felt so bad for Derek though when he realized that Peter was the alpha. The only family member he had left turned out to be a psychopath. Can't wait for your next reaction. You're doing really great!


The opening scene where we first hear the alpha talk is great because he's always done symbols or just been silent in general, but now we get more from him and can tell this is ramping up towards the finale. It is sad that Derek's uncle Peter is the Alpha because now Derek truly does feel alone and everything he's been going through, just this season alone is because of his own blood. Peter is one of my favorite characters in the show because of how complex and layered he is (tbh, the Hales in general are just fascinating as far as their history and complexities go). I love the scene between Derek, Stiles and Danny. It's one of the timeless/iconic seasons of season 1 and the full season in general. Absolutely hilarious because Derek clearly doesn't want to deal with these antics, but he obviously needs to do it to persuade Danny to help. Danny didn't want out of there after Derek started taking his shirt off lol. He definitely wanted to stay and help because of it. The "Argent means silver" line is important because in all the real-life myths about werewolves, the only thing that kills them is silver. In Teen Wolf, it's not a *silver* bullet, it's an *Argent's* bullet, but it got mistranslated throughout time (probably due to translating French text to English or just general translation issues that happen overtime). You'll get A LOT more Stilinski Family Feels™ throughout the series so don't feel too bad about him missing his first line shine. The torture he mentioned was the torture of his cells repairing and his mind going crazy while in a coma (due to his healing and the extensive damage his body went through). You'll find out why he's doing everything over the next few episodes so no you didn't miss that. Chris Argent used arrows with flash-bangs attached to them, which is what blinded Derek during the chase at the beginning of the episode. I think the reason Jackson didn't go home to look it up because that'd be another set they'd have to create and they just don't have the budget for it. Also, it ties in with Derek, Stiles, and Danny seeing that the texts came from Melissa's nurse station. Yeah, there's a lot of things we're supposed to overlook as far as the unrealistic Scott coming out of Allison's window, teacher letting the students run out, etc. That's like the scene where Derek and Scott at on the edge of the building of the video store and no one sees them. Stilinski didn't ask why Stiles was acting weird because that's general how Stiles is lol. Kid is weird sometimes. IDK who just sees a haunted looking house in the woods and just goes snooping. I'd be on the other side of the preserve if I saw that lol. Derek's sister's name is Laura. If you think Kate's comment about being a substitute teacher was creepy...just you wait...


I think they showed Jackson using Scott's mom computer as a foreshadowing of the uncle's nurse using as well her cumputer to send the message ^^ And "silver" is known in the werewolf lore as the one thing that could kill a werewolf. It's why it make sense that this is a hunter last name (translated from french). Happy that you already enjoy the show despite the flaws !


Actually, Silver Bullets is translated as Balles d'Argent, so Allison's name means exactly Silver in french

Lea Connor

Stiles and Derek are my favourite characters. Stiles pimps out Derek to get Danny to do what he wanted. Its amazing how different the actors are from the character. I had a duo photo op with Tyler and Ian (Derek and Peter Hale). Ian made sure that I was okay (Tyler did the time before because I had a single photo op the year before), he even watched to make sure I was okay in my wheelchair as I left before the started the photos again.


I was just rewatching the Teen Wolf reactions and I just realized Scott literally let Jackson blackmail him I would have just threatened to kill Jackson and then he probably would have backed off