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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Ceara Abrahamsz

Love ‘Lady in Red’! 🥰❤️

Lydia Anderson

"Submitted for the approval of the midnight society" is what they said in Are You Afraid of the Dark :) The trance scene is one of my favs of the whole series. I always thought it was so cool as a kid. Loved your reaction, looking forward to the next one!


Giles explains to Buffy over the phone that the sphere is a device to ward off primordial evil and that which cannot be named. The creepy guy at the beginning of the season that grabbed Dawn told her that she doesn't belong here. Dawn's diary entry is just a teenage girl trying to assert her own self importance. She wants to feel special because she grew up with a sister who everyone considers special. The tea thing I'm gonna have to agree with you felt a little over the top.


Woo, this is the reaction I've been waiting for! So nice to get some answers, right? But of course it's only episode 5 so those answers come with a lot more questions. But such is the ride with season 5. Anya described the trance as a "spell to see spells." So it didn't take Buffy to another world or anything, just gave her the sight to see spells at work. She expected to see some sort of spell attached to her mom (which is why she said "there's nothing" with disbelief when she looked at her), but instead saw that their reality had been altered with regards to Dawn. If you look back over the seasons, Spike has had an unhealthy fixation with the slayer since pretty much the beginning. It's gone on for years. The slayer's why he first came to Sunnydale, afterall. So that obsession turning into a sort of horrifying attraction for him after years of back-and-forth with her isn't really a leap, imo. I think Buffy's immature jealousy over Dawn stems solely from the fact that despite their fake memories, she really was an only child until 2 months ago, and once upon a time had all of her mom's attention (Dawn's supposed to be a bit younger than Buffy was at the start of the show, so we don't really know how Buffy and Joyce were when Buffy was younger). To me those feelings are just reality pushing in on the fabricated story. Something's off, and Buffy feels it. The crazy guy grabbing Dawn a few episodes ago, and telling her she didn't belong here didn't just go away. We now know he was correct since we know Dawn in fact doesn't really belong here. WHY he was correct, we'll just have have to see. Notice the crazy people keep cropping up. As for all those other moments with Dawn (like the tea) that you think don't make sense, I think you'll find they could also be interpreted as basic teenage girl behavior, and make total sense in that context. She had just gotten into a fight with her sister and her mom came home early, so she probably just wanted to get into Joyce's good graces and get her mom "on her side," so to speak, before Buffy got home. Yes, the way it was presented intentionally made the audience think it was shady, which is the point - it was misdirection, which is a pretty common storytelling tactic with mysteries like this. In an attempt to avoid spoilers, I'll just say I feel like there's one connection in this episode that you didn't make but were meant to, so you might want to re-watch it if you have time. But it will become clearer in future eps, so it's certainly not a necessity! Glad you liked the "Weird Lady in Red." :)


The tea thing I think was more Dawns way of expressing worry over her mom. Like Buffy all episode was trying to figure out what was wrong with her mom and jumping to conclusions about a demon or spell hurting her. Buffy needs an enemy she can fight cause that's just who she is. Dawn comes off more of a silent worrier and was trying to make sure everything was normal for her mom while being more clingy to her. Dawn seems to be more mommies little girl. At least that's my interpretation of the tea moment.


This is usually the point in the show where the fan base starts spoiling stuff for reactors. Either outright spoil, or trying to be "witty" with how they try to word things. If you don't currently have a moderator I can't stress how much you should really think about getting one.

Rafael Lemus

Out. For. A. Walk.... Bitch 🤙

Brian Rayburn

"You hit me! What are you, crazy? You can't just go around beating people!"


Poor red dressed Beast Lady. Monks hide your key and won't tell where. Young woman comes out of nowhere and starts hiting you. And then she steals your holy man. And as if this is not enough, your shoes gets damaged. I kind of understand her anger.


My favorite part of the episode. That plus, "and I never really liked you anyway and you have stupid hair."


This is the creative spoiler part of the run, so we should all be careful of trying not to be the "Clever One". If, I place in a spoiler, never fear to comment or let me know. I will correct and we can debate on it later. I will keep it as simple as I can as was told: "you think you know what is coming, but you have no idea".


As a child when people were upset, I was taught, they get a hot beverage (Hot Cocoa, Tea, Hot Apple Cider or if tears Gluehwein). I am one of the unfortunate people who does not like coffee and drinks tea, but it is a pain in the ass, to get outside of the home, so I don't order it ever. But at this point in America's timeline, "Starbucks" would have still been that fancy "West Coast Stuff"


I thought that Buffy's shirt was really cool, so now I will watch to see if you point it out......hahahaha. I always loved that you paid attention to things like that.


I REALLY wish all you other supporters hadn't been hinting and pointing out this and that and tempering the initial negative reaction to Dawn so much - would have been nice to see this reveal completely fresh and unspoiled. To just revel in the negativity and wait 4 episodes for the reveal. That said - I'm generally getting sick of spoilers for EVERY Buffy reactor. Liam Duke again posted about being spoiled by people hyping up this and that. Always spoilers in comments sections when Spike first appears in Season 2, same with Faith & Anya. If you can just look at your comment and think "Is there information about the character/plot in this that an unspoiled viewer wouldn't know, or necessarily think important, when first watching that show?"


49:00 the guy was not being creepy or odd, he was just like the Security Guard. I gave this episode a 10, I believe your score is probably closer to the truth of it all, but here is why: Character Development, Everyone found out something about themselves in this episode: BUFFY: Took on the role of Big Sister GILES: Finally got focused and a sense of repurpose in all parts of his life.......except love. XANDER for the very first time Xander Harris was more Adult then Giles or Xander Harris gave our Giles advice and it helped. WILLOW, failed at something, for the first time Willow Rosenberg did not come out on top in shop keeping ANYA: focus, we saw her skill set translate from providing "Wishes" to "Service" JOYCE: The questions remain, but when she talked to Buffy in her trance state it was "motherly" RILEY: Finally, he has been so.....he is a guy who would use "Negging", his passive aggressive way of making it all someone else's fault, I can't explain, but I am finally not disliking Riley so much. SPIKE: "out for a walk.......bitch" and the gesture and what follows with the schoolboy taunts, it is Spike, so I forgive and enjoy all.....most. DAWN: No one liked Dawn, if someone says they liked Dawn, then I will finally find a person who liked Dawn, but then this episode hits and you go back and re-watch and you see a little girl who grew up with her sister as "The Slayer", whose friends (Buffy's) were her (Dawn's) core group of friends, who they had to move and the Father left and Buffy had this great "Father" figure in Giles who merely tolerated Dawn, who had this great group of friends and hung out with (2) cool Vampires and dated GI Schmo (joe). This episode took the Hollywood Trope of introducing a child to the cast in the waning years of a series and gave it purpose, up until this episode your show was almost guaranteed to be over, when you did that. Thank you again for this, you are right were you need to be and your insight is brilliant, this show may have been written for you. Two months ago was when Buffy entered Dawn's room and was told by Joyce to take Dawn with her, if she was going out.


It was Buffy between Worlds, she could see between the Worlds and knew which things belonged in which, that is why Dawn kept fading out and Dawn's room went back to being storage space, they were not of this World and did not belong.

Vicky N

The tea think that got you so bothered was just misdirection and also a callback to the start of the episode when Buffy was preparing breakfast for her mom only for Dawn to claim credit for it. It’s normal behavior for a teenage brat sister. Now that it’s revealed that their memory have been altered, Buffy extreme annoyance and constant complaining about her sister can be viewed as her subconsciously perceiving that something was wrong due to her Slayer senses, like she did during Jonathan augmentation spell. It doesn’t bother that she leaves her sister home alone after their confrontation. 1 she specifically tells her that she would be back before her mom and it’s only because Joyce is back earlier that it doesn’t work. 2 she knows something isn’t right but she doesn’t know enough to and she can’t drag her with her to investigate.

Vicky N

The Spike thing is not out of the blue if you look back at their previous interactions since the first time he shows up. Their first exchanges in “school hard” especially are practically all sexual innuendos. Although one sided, it’s like Xander and Cordelia revelation in “what’s my line”. The signs were all there before but you realize it in retrospect. The dream at the end of last episode is when Spike realize his feelings and not the writers (who by now you must have realized plans things thoroughly on this show) deciding to explore something based on a scene in the previous episode.


As a little sister myself, I can easily say you always want to show off and surprise an older sister that you look up to and think a lot of, you want to think you've got more to show and impress and surprise an older sister. So Dawn writing that kind of thing in her diary is pretty normal sister stuff. Buffy being jealous of Dawn also feels normal. It may not be her personality as we know it, but if you think about it, she's been an only child her whole life and never had to share, her mother was always hers only until recently, so it seems natural to me that she would end up feeling jealous and insecure and unsure seeing her mom have such a close relationship with Dawn.


I know right? Like if you have try to be clever then that should be your clue to not to post it. There's something about season five and six that people seem to have a hard time keeping to themselves. Liam Duke is going through it, introvert reacts is starting to going through it. Hell, Fan theory did it to themselves with their latest react when the Buffy fan literally spoils the entire episode for the new reactor right before they watch it. Apparently season 5 and 6 make people get spoiler crazy.

Daniel R

This episode is really good, things start coming together and now you have a clearer picture of the story going ahead. As for the Spike thing, I feel like if you have to defend it then it's obviously intended to split the fandom. It's interesting but I'm not a big fan of it, but it's just one of those things you'll either like or dislike. This episode definitely paints Dawn in a more sympathetic light, she's humanized despite learning what she actually is. Good stuff.

Stephanie Bedworth

I'd answer some of your questions but I'd probably wind up spoiling something so I'm gonna refrain. lol I'll just say this was a really fun reaction. This is a good episode where dots finally start getting connected!

Katherine Thoreson

"Submitted for the approval of the Midnight Society" was from Are You Afraid of the Dark, but yes, similar. :D


the tea thing was a deliberate mislead. but all of your other questions/points about inconsistencies will actually be answered later in the season.

Other Boy Reactions

I think 15-16 year old Buffy might’ve wanted to be treated every now and then the way Dawn is treated if it hadn’t been for the fact that she was the slayer. Buffy had to grow up over night so it makes sense that she’s jealous of Joyce’s special treatment of Dawn. Buffy never got that because she felt she had to keep her mom at arms length to protect her from the horrors of her world. Maybe Buffy got that attention as a kid but once she became the slayer she probably felt like she couldn’t confide in her mom anymore. Dawn gets to be a regular kid and Buffy became an adult at 15 years old. And now that Buffy knows Dawn isn’t technically “real” it probably stings even more even though she cares about Dawn. Dawn is just a ball of energy and she still gets more attention than Buffy.