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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation




Now that you have to admit your love of Van Gogh there is a thought process that Amy was right, that when her and the Doctor did leave Vincent, he was better and on a different course, but he painted the TARDIS exploding after he did the painting for Amy and that is what caused Vincent to give up hope and enter back on his original course. Fresh off the wrist of a handsome "Time Agent" could be a reference to Captain Jack Harkness. "I think it was a great episode, but I am so confused" - Welcome to the episode "The Pandorica Opens", you were/are not alone, you are right were you need to be......hahahahahaha, Geronimo!!!!!!!


DOCTOR: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior. A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world. AMY: How did it end up in there? DOCTOR: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it. RIVER: I hate good wizards in fairy tales. They always turn out to be him.


I used the "I am talking speech" to get out of a bar fight in Omaha Nebraska three weeks after this aired.

DJ Doena

"What episodes were the Daleks in?" The one with Winston Churchill.

DJ Doena

Now that you watched the episode and know what's trapped inside the Pandorica: Rewatch the scene where the Doctor describes what's inside it at the beginning!


Fun Fact: Any episode that River Song is in, Steven Moffat wrote. He doesn't let anyone else write for her.


Rory is an Auton, which is the same creature Nine fought in the first episode, "rose"


The bit with the bombs and the drink: River needs a time travel device (in this case, a Vortex Manipulator like Captain Jack has) so she can get from 5145 AD to 102 AD (plus a side trip to leave the message on the cliff). The blue guy is obviously a trader in questionable items … but River doesn’t have enough funds. Hence the shakedown.

Josh B

You missed the most important line by looking down at your phone. When the doctor tells Amy why he took her.

Sharon Owen

In answer to some of your questions: The date - it was mentioned in earlier episodes - The Angel episode, watch the very end of the 2 parter. It was also revisited in a flashback in this episode. The alliance knew the TARDIS was going to explode, so they assume the Doctor caused it as they don't know anyone else who can fly it Rory was an Auton (one of the plastic romans) because of the photo River found inside the books she took from Amy's house (that's how I interpreted it) or it could still be in her subconscious . Moffat writes very complicated episodes and you need to remember a lot from previous episodes and most importantly - pay attention to everything in the episode! I find if I get distracted by a text in a Moffat episode like this I could miss something very important that's referenced later. This is one of the episodes that may need a few pauses in place!

Dani C

I'm halfway through the episode and feeling mildly frustrated by this lol. It's like he looks anywhere but the screen sometimes. Quite frustrating because a lot of the interaction between characters is nonverbal


Everyone has different companions that they connect with. I actually really love Amy, Doctor and Rory as time goes on you will see how important they are to him! It actually took he a while to warmup and connect with Rose because I found her kind of annoying. But I can say over time, I do like and appreciate her more. Donna is my fave but I must say no matter how many times I rewatch I’m rad disappointed with Martha’s arc! Unpopular opinion I LOVE HER and while have a crush on the Doctor is very human and... understandable , it sucks that’s basically all people remember her for. She was very smart, had to save the doctor’s ass quite a few times and she had walked the FNing earth trying to spear the word if the Doctor but it’s forgotten. She had to stay in a very racist time period all to help and it still feels like she’s under appreciated by the fandom and Doctor. I am glad she showed up a few times to show that her and the doctor are close friends and she’s accomplished, doing great things it’s just her arc fell flat because of how they write things.


I remember years back, a YouTube video poking fun at Moffat with an animated version of Tennant's Doctor telling him his brain was a rubik's cube. He always takes the complicated, twisty-turny route. Which isn't a bad thing. But it can be that he paints himself into a corner he only escapes sloppily from.

Thomas Gabriel White

I think the reason you don't like Amy is because you have unreasonable expectations for the Doctor's companions and you are comparing her to the other companions. Each companion exists to have an affect on the Doctor's character development and none are a copy of the other and the effect of each character is different. You trying to compare the companions to each other is making you unable to see the individual effects they have on the Doctor.