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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation




One of my favorite episodes in the entire series. Sooo gooood!


Great episode. Loving your reactions. I love this season!


The blonde (Martine) we met her in the first episode this season, she was the one in the opening scene in Budapest, and then later impersonating a detective at the drug house. Yes, I believe Root might be kind of into Shaw, the way she has been flirting with her the last 2 seasons.


A great episode. You're right, Harold can never trust The Machine because he saw what it could do and what it tried to do to him. We see precisely what an AI with no moral compass is capable of doing as it rigs an election and tries to eliminate any threats along the way. Saw a recent article about Elon Musk's AI system being shared and this show makes me paranoid of the consequences.


Fantastic episode. Love the growing relation of admiration and friendship between Root and Finch. In regards of the moments between Root and Shaw, who knows Root definitely seems receptive towards Shaw. I agree with you regarding the AI's being scary as we see both Machine and Samaritan being very controlling this episode. I am also sure that you see that by now Samaritan pretty much has reign over all decisions and it's operatives, including Greer. I am also sure you noticed that Greer now has a new position under a new alias Hays. Regarding the personal preference, in my own opinion, I kinda loved the fact that this experience kinda broke Simon (in a dark way). It shows how many lives Samaritan can affect for the worse and also how, no matter how hard our team tries, they can't save everyone, not completely anyways.

Ghost Mom

Speaking as a lesbian, I'd say Root has been written/coded to be as such. Even if you go back to what we learned of her when she was young, she was described as being near worshipful of her friend who died. The picture of them as kids together shows her looking at her with great admiration and affection, like one would look at a crush. The way she behaves towards men compared to women seems noteworthy. She seems passively more distrustful of men and this also likely date back to what happened to her friend Hannah. Harold is the only man she seems to revere with respect partly because of what he built. Her labelling the machine with female pronouns is also telling especially when in one episode she refers her relationship with the machine as an intimate one. She appreciates Reese for protecting Harold but the way she often calls him a big lug or treats him like some over masculine ape is another clue, and ofcourse the way she acts when she's around Shaw, the body language the eyes, the way she talks. it's incredibly flirtatious. That's just the way I see it from a lesbian perspective. Shaw on the other hand, she's a self admitted sociopath which would imply she wouldn't be interested in a romantic relationship, but as far as sexual attraction goes, she did once refer to Root as hot when root took out a bunch of guys with two guns.


Great reaction. I loved this episode. So far, we'd only seen an empathic side of the Machine while it was under development. Today was the first time the show told us about Harold's struggles in enforcing morality in the Machine. Now you can understand why he's been so distrustful of the Machine as he mentions that the Machine not having safeguards he implemented terrifies him. It also raises serious questions about instilling a sense of morality in artificial intelligence given the fact that (i) it's been an evolutionary process in humans: our morality has grown over thousands of years of our species and, (ii) a sense of morality we've developed as species is centered around us and our psychological, evolutionary, and pysiological conditions. Encoding it in an artificial intelligence and making sure a mind that's millions of times smarter and more powerful would adhere to is quite a feat. That's the reason both Greer and Root have great admiration for Finch as they seem to understand what an incredible achievement it is. Interesting thing - while Finch is destroying the Machine servers, you can see his box go from yellow to red in a fraction of a second before Finch destroys the server. It means that during its last fraction of a second, the Machine designation Finch as a threat. This show is filllllllled with many nuances like that. Although, don't think you didn't pay attention to show, it is actually something that I picked up during my second watch. Keep it up!