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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Valencia Lanier

They chose to have Dean say Rory likes Jess here because clearly she doesn’t want Dean at the diner because that’s where she sees Jess the most and he can tell because Rory and Dean would always meet up before they went their separate ways to school, either at Luke’s or at the bus stop. Also, if she’s not spending time with Dean then she can “accidentally” run into Jess. Not saying she has to spend all her time with him but she has to know that lying to him was going to change something. We all know he didn’t believe the lie Paris told him.

Shannon Hartman

I am totally a Rory supporter, but there isn't much to support here. I still believe whole heartedly that she hasn't a clue of Jess' or her own feelings. She is completely naive to that sort of thing. That said, she is treating Dean like crud. Dean doesn't deserve that. Not calling him back is disrespectful in the least, and if you want to be honest, you may as well be flat out saying, I don't have time to deal with you. She is a teen though. And she was brought up by Lorelai, who lets face it, isn't much better at relationships and having respect for your partner... Still love her. Truly don't think she has any idea there are feelings between her and Jess, from either end though. She's painfully clueless. Hence the "Oh, you're still not over Summer?" when Tristin said he had feelings for someone else. She never truly believed he ever liked her. She always thought he was just trying to prove he could get her to go out with him.


I think having Dean say that line about Rory liking Jess was more effective here precisely because Jess wasn't a presence in the episode. This whole subplot of the episode was highlighting the fact that Rory has lost interest in Dean, and that their relationship is falling apart, and for once, Dean finally can't blame it all on Jess's behavior and whatever shenanigans he might have pulled that week to drive a wedge between them. This was him acknowledging that regardless of what he or Jess does, the wedge is officially there, and that it's Rory's feelings that have changed.

Renee Pope-Munro

Ugh, I relate so hard to Rory’s inability to process that her feelings have changed. She’s subconsciously distancing herself because she isn’t clear or aware in what has shifted - she’s in denial about Jess, but intrigued by the things she sees in him that are important parts of her. Jess challenges her, and Dean is safe and unchallenging. That’s *perfect* for a first love, but often not enough to sustain a complex person. It’s a very weird headspace that is incredibly common for young girls who are super mature in some ways, and inexperienced in others. Rory has many character flaws that we’ll experience as she grows, but this one doesn’t bother me.


I totally agree that Rory isn’t being fair to Dean. To be honest she should have broken up with him a while back, but she won’t because he’s a sure thing and has been nice to her. Definitely doesn’t mean they should be together. Dean doesn’t get half of her jokes and doesn’t appreciate her literary prowess. Jess does. He’s a terrible student, but highly intelligent. But I think Rory really doesn’t want to hurt Dean and doesn’t realize that staying with him (technically), but not being around him hurts just as much. That’s the kind of thing we all learn with time. These are her growing pangs.


I loved Rorys storyline here. She is stuck between the boy who her mother adores but does not challenge her, and the hot guy her mother hates but who she connects with and challenges her. I also think that Deans outbursts make her anxious and that makes it even more difficult to break up with him. Some excellent eps coming up to end the season into the amazing season 3. Don’t be too hard on Rory yet, there is plenty of opportunity for that as she gets older. It’s enjoyable see you becoming so invested anyway.


I feel the same way you do about Rory. She annoys me a lot with this whole Jess situation. I get that it may be realistic but still.


Your boyfriend goes to help a guy and stop a fight, and the guy takes a swing at your boyfriend and claims it was because he "had momentum". At that point, barring some genuine apology on the guys part, I'd be pretty anti that guy. On the one hand, when tv shows make the 'significant other' suddenly do something like cheat or be an asshole out of character just to push a new love interest, I dislike it, so I like how the show handled this without making excuses, and doesn't push the blame on a disposable character but instead paints the protagonist in a bad light. I enjoy that, though I do dislike Rory for it, I still think it's well done. I don't really understand however the viewers that feel she isn't doing wrong here, like the show itself I'm pretty sure wants you to understand she's messing up here and being inconsiderate... don't let bias and personal 'shipping' preference blind the fact that even if the feelings were inevitable, she should not be putting Dean in this position and it IS avoidable.


Even though I never really liked Dean, I do feel a bad for him here. He notices Rory's waning interest so he is seriously overcompensating by being overbearing and trying to spend every waking moment with her and it's not sweet or endearing, it's suffocating. Rory should break up with him , clearly, but she's non-confrontational to a fault. It's not a great look for her, but it does create realistic and entertaining conflict.