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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Zach Faulkner

You had it right the first time. Will/Emma and Jessie/Rachel did not have sex but Santana and Finn did. That's why Finn acts all weird when Rachel asks him about his date with Santana and he lies saying nothing happened. He slept with her thinking that Rachel was going to sleep with Jessie and then he came to find out that Rachel backed out and he didn't so he feels ashamed and lies about it.


Um, Finn did go through with it with Santana. Not a spoiler. When he and Santana were in bed afterward, he said it didn’t mean anything. He just lied and told Rachel he didn’t do it to spare her feelings and because he regrets what he did. He doesn’t feel anything for Santana, and still likes Rachel, but now that she’s with Jesse it’s hard for him obviously. But that’s his own fault because he didn’t appreciate her when when they were dating and he wanted to go on dates with other girls. If you haven’t noticed yet, Finn is kind of a dumbass.


Also, this is the ep where we first hear Santana actually sing in a song. In the full length version of Like A Virgin and Express Yourself she has more lines, and it’s easy for me to distinguish her voice, and every other cast member, just listening to the audio of songs, but I was kind of obsessive about that sort of thing back in the day 😆. She’s one of my favorite singers in the cast actually, next to Rachel and Mercedes. Sometimes I even prefer her voice to Rachel’s, but that’s not to say I think her voice is technically better than Rachel’s, it is just very different. Rachel’s voice is more Broadway (she can’t do R&B which is a favorite genre of mine) and clean, and it gives me chills in a good way on a lot of songs (The beginning of “Like A Prayer” for example) but on a few other songs I find it a bit grating (like I HATE “Gives You Hell”, it’s like nails on chalkboard to me tbh)


Since you're a fan of "Jesse St. Greatness" (perfect nickname, btw!) you might like to know he actually DID record a song for this episode, but it was cut for time. As you noted, the episode was already stuffed with songs, and I think this one was cut because A.) He's not one of the leads, and B.) it's not as famous a song as Madonna's other hits in the episode. But for those of us who love his voice, the producers were nice enough to include it on the album for this episode, so you can check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZTFCeJCHEE Love that they finally started letting Santana sing, starting with this episode, because she turned out to have one of my favorite female voices on the show. And for the record, definitely not minding the pausing so far!

Nica Marie

You really need to watch some Madonna videos to get all the visual references used in this ep. The Vogue video is essentially a faithful recreation. It is so spot on, it's scary. Having grown up when MTV was created and seeing Madonna videos on heavy rotation, so much of these songs are ingrained in my DNA. Also, Rachel and Finn's performance is 2 songs mashed together, not just one. (Borderline and Open Your Heart). Watch the Open Your Heart video and marvel at the creepiness. Madonna was always good at controversial. See the Like a Prayer video. The music used as Sue blackmails the principal is Justify My Love. If you listen to the lyrics or watch the video you'll unferstand why only tbe barest amount was used in the ep. Very scandalous when it came out. Same time as her Sex photo book came out I believe. And to get another of Sue's references you'd have to see the classic 80s film Desperately Seeking Susan. Looking at all I've said here I realize I know way too much about Madonna and I'm not even a hardcore fan.

DJ Doena

I was never a fan of Madonna's music, so this episode didn't do much for me. On the other hand, it's not specific to Madonna herself. Whenever they do an episode targeted at one specific Musician (or band) I'm rarely a fan of it.