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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Calvin Allen

weakest episode of the season


I tend to think it is the weakest episode yet I still like it, that's just how much I love the 5th season. I'm excited for what's coming...


Yessir, now you are asking the right questions! And yeah, this episode was mostly just setup. I was mainly just excited to see your reaction to the end scene, and that certainly delivered, lol! Can't wait for the next one. :)


Watch the next one now lol can not wait. Love your reactions, they are only gonna get better. SEASON 5 IS THE BEST

Ceara Abrahamsz

Looove season 5 Can’t wait for more! 😬😅

s jaco

I was looking forward to your reaction to the spike and buffy ending and the idea that dawn put a spell on all of them to make them think she belongs there is definitely a good theory. I don't know if you watched HTGAWM but Ben is the same actor as Frank. :-)


Very solid episode, lots of character building/some foundational stuff for most everyone, and lots of memorable scenes and quotable lines.


OMG I LOL'd so hard at your reaction to Spike & Buffy. As far as Riley not seeing that Buffy loves him, I've always seen it as a problem Riley has, feeling inferior and not enough for her and no matter what she says or does, he will still feel he is never enough. Yeah... what did happen to Joyce?...


3:20 "I thought we were done with this". This particular phrase does not exist in the Whedonverse (or the Whoverse for that matter) This is part of an entire story, you get there the long way around this is why they picked Whedon to fix the MCU.


OMG, I am now and forever giving this episode a 10, for your reaction to the moment alone, I will give this a 10. I was an 8 going in, because away we go with season 5, but man, your reaction......spot on Brilliant!!!!!


Now your getting it, hahahhahaha.....in your ending (2) things "The Initiative" was the name of Riley's group and Dawn is the one who gave Buffy the idea to call on Riley's phone, that was part of her rant and yes it was a rant, but the last thing she discussed was leaving a message somewhere that Buffy thought "The Initiative" would find it, like Dawn does in her diary. That is why Buffy left her room in such a hurry.


Thank you for that, that was excellent, I missed your score though which means I will have to watch the whole thing over again later.

Nica Marie

Spike was watching Dawson's Creek.

Nick Velasquez

Through out time we’ve seen Riley place his shortcomings and insecurities on buffy. (Something blue) Buffy: you have a lot to learn about women. Riley: you’re going to teach me. Should have been more, “I’m willing to learn” (The yoko factor) Buffy: why with the crazy? Riley: because I’m so in love with you I can’t think straight. Should have been, “I’m sorry, I was being irrational. It was wrong of me to just assume you would do that and I’m an insecure asshat” (Buffy Vs Dracula) Riley: No, it's okay, I shouldn't take this personally. I mean, what with Angel, it's understandable that there would be transference. I mean, they're both broody immortals. Buffy: I am not transferry! Should have been, “omg! Will you stfu. Yes I had a dating life before you came into the picture. Can you stop moping over it you enormous man-child.” (This episode) Buffy: are you ok, I should really go check on my mom. Riley: but what about me!!!! Waaaah! (Sidenote: I may not like Riley that much)


the next episode is definitely not a filler and will answer a lot of questions.


I hope we get next episode sooner rather than later because I can’t wait to see your reaction since it will answer a lot of questions/complaints you had.


This episode begs the question why hasn't Buffy killed Spike yet. He is clearly dangerous. They have hinted that it's wrong to kill him because he is helpless but Buffy still hurts him physically so that's weird. And Spike is doing evil so he's not really helpless. Not a huge complaint just always feels like a scene or two are missing to explain it.


For those saying this is the weakest ep of the season, I really feel like there may be one you're forgetting (and I wouldn't blame ya), lol.

Sharon Owen

This was what I was looking forward to most. I thought he'd get that it was a dream when Buffy went to kiss him though.

Sharon Owen

I think I may know the one you mean as I completely forgot about it until I looked at the episode guide. This season is one of my favourites and that episode I forgot!

Renee Pope-Munro

If I could like this comment a thousand times, I would. It is such a well worn deflection tactic, super gaslighting and it’s why I will always hate Riley and his Nice Guy™️ face.

Daniel R

If Spike was any sort of respectable villain he would've killed the doctor on his way out.


google drive did not work well for me

Katherine Thoreson

It's too bad that Psych wasn't around yet to teach Dawn to just flip the cereal box over. ;D


my head canon is that in a weird way, Spike is part of the furniture. He has been around for a few key moments in Buffy's life (telling her mum she is the slayer, defeating angelus, making her realise that her and angel might never work as friends or in a relationship...) and he has helped the gang a few times. He was also one of the formidable opponents in s2. They were pretty evenly matched if you really look at it. Perhaps there is a part of her that wants a real show down, a fair fight. He has killed 2 slayers, so despite the show always making him the joke, he CAN fight. Maybe part of her doesn't want to just be a killer, but wants a real fight, a pride thing. Likewise, I think Spike would want the same. All the time he has had the chip he could have hired any number of demons to kill Buffy and her friends, he could have set fire to her house with her inside, he could have done a bunch of stuff. But he doesn't.