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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation




Weird coincidence how some of the things in this episode reminded me of what’s going on currently. I hope you are ok, and keeping safe🤎


Genuinely strange. Not trying to be funny or anything but from the asphyxiation, to the blackapella group mentioning no we can't go to the cops what if they were the ones who did it... and then the way that Lassie and Jules were kind of tools all episode long. So weird.


I first thought maybe Jules was being distant from Shawn because there is still tension between them and she did not want things to be awkward at work. But later when things started becoming more serious and the fact that she was still being mean was something I did not understand. Can someone please explain to me why Lassie and Jules were so mean this episode?


People keep saying that they had no idea that it was this bad and then an episode like this pops up, to remind everyone, that "yes" they did, they just choose to ignore it. Stay Safe, Stay Alive, I am in the kill zone, you are in the, they can rough you up zone


Don't let the stuff going on get you down. Just be yourself. Cheers.


Yeah, I dont understand what was going on with juliet and lassie, but I really enjoyed this episode a lot.....I might download the song to lol


This was the song I used as my ring tone for a while. :)


"The guy from Final Destination" I think you have to add Candyman to the list of films to watch! :) It is pretty much the reason he gets the sinister creepy kind of roles so much since. The strange behaviour is just an off episode as far as anyone knows and has no further significance. I think it was just some writing that didn't work quite as expected. It wasn't the first episode James Roday was a writer on, but it was the first episode he did with a different co-writer. It was his sixth ever writing credit, and the other episodes he did all with the same person. So maybe it was just two writers, one very new at writing for TV, who had not written together before not quite nailing everything perfectly.

Amanda Winner

Onehub worked fine. Don't feel obligated to do these videos if you're aren't feeling up to it however it is your livelihood now so I understand. I give this a 10 because it's great when we see more of Gus' story.

Cindy Lou

Onehub was extremely slow for both stream and download for me, but I use vimeo anyway. Though I may disown you for not catching B2M right away. I knew it was them before they got to any words, but I was a big fan. On first watch I didn't think anything was amiss with Lassie, he's always been an insensitive prick, but I just thought we were emotionally attached via Gus and the normal blow offs struck a bit harder for sure. But on second watch they did mention that they were answering to a bigger authority (due to how sensitive the issue was for the PD), so they were really warning them off for their safety and integrity of the sting instead of the half assed warning they usually do. But Jules WAS salty, and I think it was definitely over Shawn and Abby. Usually Jules softens Lassiter's shtick but yeah.

inga lola

Man, I love this episode :) For me it is a solid 10, everything is so perfect here: it is funny and it’s tense and it's vulnerable and it's musical. The guest stars fit perfectly, Tony and June one of my most favorite characters. And singing!!! Just for the opening credits alone I would give additional points. And the first appearance of Woody also doesn't hurt :) I understand with the world spinning out of its orbit it would seem unlikely to watch something light and easy, but let me tell you my own story: in 2013 my man collapsed and died after 30 days on the life support, the only thing that kept my sane after his death was Psych, we were very easy going couple, in 14 years together we laughed our asses off, and here I am crying every day, or not crying just looking to a wall numbly. Psych will always be my number 1 show, cause it  literally saved me. I am forever grateful. As for Lassie and Jules, they were given direct orders not to give up any information on this case, they told Gus and Shawn not to get involved but they do not listen, they just want to keep them safe and far away from the serious drug operation, which easily can have them killed

inga lola

Oh, and another thing I love about this episode, Shawn was the one acting like a grown up one out of 4 of them :) Rare thing to see :)


One hub gave me an error right at the start during your intro (sorry, didn't think to capture exactly what it said), but once I exited and came back in it played straight through with no problem or buffering or any other issues.


Stay safe.


Where was the videos for this morning


Before I start watching the reaction, I just want to say that I appreciate you (and your brother), both in general and for continuing to create content during all of this. These videos give me a break from everything, especially since I am out there on the streets and because, as you know, it is all over social media. I'm grateful that you both are still uploading and providing this reprieve. That said, if either or both of you need to take a break, please don't hesitate to do so. Mental health annd safety is so important, especially during a time like this and I will not be upset it you need to take a step back for a moment. (And I'm sure other subscribers will understand as well). The shows/movies will be here. We will be here. Just make sure you take care of yourselves. Stay safe!!


Aaaand now for the reaction. This is one of my favorite episodes of the season. It's not only fun, but we normally only see the Shawn&Gus show when it comes with their lives/histories, so it's cool seeing a part of Gus' life where Shawn isn't the co-star.

Allie Aalto

One hub worked great. Stay safe, take care, do whatever you need to do for yourself. Everybody will understand if you need to take a step back. These are crazy, stressful times. Please know how appreciated you are.

DJ Doena

What? No mention that Jaleel White was Steve Urkel? I must be getting old.