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I saw someone ask me to pause the reaction while I’m watching it after every song to talk about and review the song with my thoughts on it in the moment instead of at the end of the video the way I have been doing it. 

The reviews would be between 30sec to 1 min Long.

Would this be something you want me to do? Or would you rather I review the songs at the end with the episode the way I have been doing them? 


DJ Doena

I don't mind pausing. You (and also your brother, even more so when you review things together) should pause more often, especially when a longer thought is forming. For one, it's hard to understand the show's audio when you / your brother / both of you is talking over it; but more importantly sometimes it happens that you discuss a previous scene and while doing so miss an important detail about the current scene which then may lead to confusion later on.


I've been perfectly happy without the pausing, but I absolutely wouldn't mind it if some other viewers would enjoy it.

Fredrik IB

Yeah this happens quite often. It's not a big deal, but I definitely agree with you. They sometimes have questions about the episodes they've watched because they missed, like you said, a detail in a following scene after forming a thought about the scene before. Good suggestion.

Zach Faulkner

I voted 'Doesn't Matter' before watching 'Hell-O' and I found I actually enjoyed you pausing more thatn I thought i would.