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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation





OneHub is the best option for me :) Just FYI ;)

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you so much for another fantastic reaction for another of my favorite episodes for season one of Lucifer!!! I love this episode so much, especially because it really does a good job showing us who Lucifer truly is and how much it pains him to be blamed for all the evil throughout the world, including all the evils done in his name. Which I will get back to momentarily. I really hope you will be posting your reaction for season one's finale very soon, because it's just as good as this episode and I'm so excited for it!!! First... like I said above, my favorite moments are when we see just how hurt Lucifer really is upon being worshiped by the devil worshipers, and then is continually bombarded and accused of being the killer who murdered the two misguided Satanists, not only by the false preacher and his followers on the street outside of LUX, but by Dan, Malcolm, and now Chloe too like he believes about her, even though she is actually the one person who believes in him. I absolutely love seeing this vulnerable and disheartened side to Lucifer. While I absolutely love his crazy antics and humor his character brings to this phenomenal show, I love seeing this side to Lucifer even more. It's rare, as well as heartbreaking, and seeing human emotions coming from him is really quite unique from every other way Lucifer or Satan have been portrayed in other shows or movies. I absolutely love it!!! Also... I actually really like the overall case involving devil worshipers and them being killed in Lucifer's name for him. I typically enjoy these kinds of cases in any kind of crime show such as NCIS, Law and Order, etc... However, because the Devil is a very real character in this show, it's fascinating to me to see everyone's reactions to the grisly murders, while most people come to see that they were killed either for Lucifer in his name, or by him himself. Including Dan, and finally Chloe by the end. I especially love Lucifer's reactions and storyline that comes from the evil acts throughout this case. Also... I really love all of the misdirects this episode throws at us while we're trying to figure out who the real killer is. First... we're led to believe that the girl's killer was the leader of the Satanists, then her boyfriend, and finally the false preacher, all while the cops including Dan and a number of people believe Lucifer is behind everything, especially when the girl's boyfriend is later found dead as well. And in the end... it's at last revealed to have been Malcolm all along. And knowing just how evil he is, I am shocked that I didn't even consider him to be the killer in the slightest, even though him being so makes perfect sense. What a phenomenal reveal! He has absolutely become so misguided and insane to believe that he and Lucifer can be friends, and has killed in Lucifer's name to prove himself loyal only to Lucifer, which is phenomenal! I absolutely love this. And I love the moment when Lucifer figures it out upon seeing the red paint on Malcolm's hand. It's scary that Malcolm has done all this in Lucifer's name, misguidedly thinking that he and Lucifer have now become one in the same since he revealed his true evil to Lucifer in the last episode. Unfortunately, Lucifer is unable to finish punishing Malcolm when Amenadiel flies in and then fights Lucifer because of Maze having tried to kill him. Again... I will get back to this in a moment. Lucifer's confrontation with Malcolm is fabulous. I love it because Malcolm has just become insane and deranged. And the actor who plays Malcolm... Kevin Rankin, is a phenomenal villain. First... in the end of the last episode, Lucifer was only speculating and considering his options on how to handle his problems with Amenadiel. He mentioned to her that he would have to find a way to deal with his brother in order to stop Amenadiel from trying to kill him. And early on in this episode, Lucifer continues on with his train of thought, saying to Maze that he might have to resort to an even more permanent manner. And he was holding Maze's dagger while he said it, which gave Maze the insight as to what she believed Lucifer wanted from her. However, Lucifer never actually sent Maze there to kill Amenadiel. She did so... all on her own because she misinterpreted what Lucifer was saying and believed it was what he wanted her to do. She took his thoughts and speculation to be an order. Of course Lucifer is angry with his brother for wanting to kill him and especially for using Malcolm and Chloe to do it, as he believes that his vulnerability around Chloe is because of Amenadiel. But he was only talking because he's grown tired of Amenadiel trying to kill him, all so he can send him back to Hell, where Lucifer refuses to return to ever again. And after all Lucifer has been forced to endure... who can really blame him? Lucifer is just deeply hurt and angry for being seen as all evil, especially by his own brother when he's not. Especially when Amenadiel blames Lucifer even for the innocent deaths now on his own head upon him bringing Malcolm back from the dead. I hope this makes sense. Now, back to the fight between Lucifer and Amenadiel... I think that this fight was amazing. I actually really love the way it was shot and filmed. You interpreted the way this fight was shot as being because neither actor... Tom Ellis or DB Woodside, are trained in fighting hand to hand like this. And while that may be, I think it was also shot this way in order to show just how powerful these two angels really are, especially upon adding the sound effects too. I really love the overall battle between brothers. I love seeing how powerful both of them are and seeing the destruction left behind throughout Lucifer's penthouse. And I love seeing that both angels are able to be beaten and injured through fighting one another too. In spite of them both being immortal. This is a fantastic fight scene. As for Amenadiel's relationship with Maze... in spite of this fight between the brothers that comes out of it, I don't care at all for the idea of Maze and Amenadiel being together, and of them having sex. It's just too weird and kind of twisted, especially since Amenadiel is an angel and Maze is a demon. And I don't like that Amenadiel was foolish enough to fall for her knowing that she's a demon. It just feels very out of character for him. It's in Maze's character, yes. Just not his, so I don't like them together in the slightest. And lastly... I love the ending when Chloe comes into LUX in order to be there for Lucifer and to assure him she believes in his innocence. I also love how Lucifer opens up to her about how hurt he is by everyone's accusations... now and throughout all time. Unfortunately, Lucifer is interrupted once again when Chloe finds the false preacher's body with a bullet wound to his head lying on the ground beside his bar, left there by Malcolm who really killed him in order to frame Lucifer. And not just the false preacher's death, but also for the other two deaths as well, after he realized all that he did for Lucifer was not appreciated. And with his name being all over the crime scenes, as well as everyone seeing Lucifer threatening the false preacher on the news, of course it would be enough to make the cops all believe Lucifer is the killer. Chloe then pulls her gun out and points it at Lucifer, and the last we see is the cops all charging into LUX and Chloe continuing to point her gun at Lucifer while she's looking at him with fear in her eyes. Yikes! What an episode!!! I am so excited for you to see all that's to come!! Just you wait!!!! Thank you so much once again for your reaction and I will see you again soon for more! Until then, my friends...


This is definitely one of my favorite episodes of the season just because it *really* turns the usual portrayals of Lucifer completely on its head. This episode, to me, is the first part of the finale arc. The crime was itself was weak, yes, but it was also used to develop this show's version of Lucifer and to continue to get rid of the viewer's usual thoughts of Lucifer. It also helps set up the next episode pretty well and builds Lucifer's feeling of betrayal. Lucifer was literally just saying that he feels like even Chloe, the one person he trusts, is turning on him and then she pulls the gun on him so it kind of solidifies his beliefs. I do agree that they could've added more build up to Maze and Amenadiel in the episode before the last one. Just little clips or something so we don't just have a mention of it being 3 weeks between this episode and the previous one. Also, the knives that Maze puts down were forged in Hell and are the same as the one that she threw at Lucifer in the beginning of the episode and he said "we both know they prick." Basically, she's tired of the games, of being the pawn, and if they really want to hurt/kill each other, just do it and leave it out of it, which adds more to Maze's character arc of the season. We saw her meeting with Linda, trying to make friends, and now she's trying to find her own agency outside of Lucifer and Amenadiel which I think is great. Maze is definitely one of my favorite characters of the show so seeing her grow from episode one to now is awesome. Thanks for another great reaction and I'm excited for you to see the next episode as well as the finale! Take care (:

Valencia Lanier

One Hub is working great Been watching the last few videos on it.

DJ Doena

The high priest (Ross McCall) was Liebgott from Band of Brothers. :-)

DJ Doena

FYI: The remark that Lucifer is supposed to be blond is a reference to the comic book character the show is loosely based on.