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Howdy ladies and gents, so I know I am late on a bunch of my stuff but I have been doing behind the scene stuff moving files around and fixing some things to make sure we don't run into any more issues with Dropbox or any of the other streaming services. I am also slowing updating files for older reactions.

Those that have seen my last few reactions I posted know this already because I mention whats going on. I will be trying my best to record as much as I can this weekend and hopefully catch up on as many shows as possible. 

I just wanted to let you all know this because I am about to post a bunch of the reactions my brother has done and want everyone to know that my stuff is coming but I didn't want those waiting for his reactions to have to wait longer because of my reactions not going up yet. 

Hope you understand but I think the changes that were made with splitting up the reactions between a bunch of different services will help things moving forward. 

Thanks For The Support. 


Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Yay! This all sounds wonderful. I wish you both luck in all your efforts. Thank you very much!! Also... I hope once you begin catching up on the reactions you're behind on, that you will be able to react to more than just one Once Upon a Time and Person of Interest episodes a week again soon too. :)

Brad turner

Hey when you do, my day is going to be set. I knew you weren't slacking, thanks for the update.


I know some don't like Updates but I would rather update so you all know whats going on and I haven't forgotten anyone show. I have the shows written with dates on my Dry Erase Board


New Patreon here! I’m subscribed to a lot of channels but your reactions are Great so here I am lol.