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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Brianna Dawson

I feel bad for Dean here, he does not deserve go through this with her. However, I don't think he is right for Rory, and she isn't right for him. In my opinion Jess is more suited to her, sharing her interests and humour while sparking a different side of her. He is a very compelling character that I have always favoured in the show for a number of reasons. You're absolutely right about Rory acting on the typical teenage stuff, people so often forget she's so young. She is just learning about love and how she feels about everyone, all while trying her best to be nice and not disappointment everybody. I am also glad that you ejoyed Emily and Lorelai's trip, I love when they bond. Great reaction! Excited for the next one. Btw Onehub worked perfectly for me.


Onehub works great!


I don’t know if anyone’s told you this yet but Milo and Alexis dated for 6 years in real life,they started their relationship during this season.


Should also mention that Alexis and Jared dated during the first season.

Renee Pope-Munro

Okay, to be clear, it is perfectly okay to enjoy her own company, and Rory does not owe Dean her Friday night. He may not like that, but it’s perfectly in keeping with her personality and frankly, self care matters.

Renee Pope-Munro

Also I do NOT appreciate Dean’s aggression in this ep. it’s gross and not okay. She didn’t lie, and she’s intellectually stimulated by Jess in a way she never is by Dean - and I don’t think she even knows what to do with that. Paris is just so wholesome in this ep, it makes me a ball of warm and fuzzy vibes.

Ina Durcekova

I mean, Rory didn't do anything wrong in this episode - she didn't invite Jess, she asked him to leave multiple times, etc. However, even though she is clueless about his feelings for her and maybe even her feelings for him, she is still acting stupid. Lorelai can see it, Dean can see it. Poor Dean doesn't deserve to be treated this way. Also Paris is amazing!

Ina Durcekova

She didn't lie, but from Dean's POV it sure seemed that way. If your partner spent time one on one with someone who clearly likes them and hates you, how would you like it? Rory didn't do anything wrong in this episode (except for lying to Dean), but I see where Dean is coming from.


Lol, when Paris says 'all I had to do was move over a decimal and none of this would have happened' she means when crunching the numbers with her dad. As in, if he thought the divorce would be cheaper he would have tried it, not that she knew what she got wrong on the quiz, so she still needs the studying help.


Onehub works good for me. After show reacts also uses Onehub and I had so far no problems there either.


Onehub worked just fine for me! Great reaction!

Mariella Nilsson

Feel so bad for dean here! And also feel a little bad for rory that doesn’t get the alone time she needs in her everyday life!

Mariella Nilsson

Jess is so annoying here, he sure likes the drama!

Stephanie Bedworth

Rory is very naive. She has no idea how to handle all this. I tried Onehub. It worked perfectly fine.


Can't agree with the people saying Rory did nothing wrong, let's ignore the teasing and essentially flirting with Jess who at this point with the whole care package thing, she KNOWS likes her, can't hide behind naivety on that one. Let's also ignore that she let Paris take the heat and worse, lied to Dean when he settled down and asked her face to face... Rory is this true? So ignoring all that, when he called her and told her he was coming over, she had a chance to clear the air, explain what was happening and put the pressure on Dean to be the grown up and show maturity, to trust her and not get angry. If he had, well that was on him then cause the situation devolved and she was put in a tough spot, he had no right to be angry. But with the "no don't come over I'm a mess" and other lies in that phone call, to then arrive and see Jess being run out by her... his anger is justified. It just is. We know she was pushed into the situation, he doesn't know that. But she pushed to not let him come over to hide something, then tried to sneak the other guy out to again, keep Dean in the dark. I think his anger was necessary to make a realistic scene, if he had hit anything (whether a person or an object or anything) that would have been messed up and abusive and truly gross. But what he did was yell because the person he cares for the most is making him feel like a fool.

Mariella Nilsson

Agree! If Dean had Done the same thing to Rory she would have had the right to get mad!


I just have to say that I don’t think it’s a weird or horrible thing to want time alone! Especially if you never really get any alone time. I totally understood Rory wanting time alone. And while I could understand Dean being a little hurt by it, to get mad is childish. The only thing Rory did wrong was lie to Dean there at the end. She didn’t invite anyone over, she’s never really been one to be rude, so of course she wasn’t going to kick anyone out. Plus the fact that I think dee down she knows she has a thing for Jess. But she asked Paris to stay so they weren’t alone, which I think was a good move! She’s a 16 yr old who has never had boy attention like this, and she’s definitely intellectually stimulated by Jess. I think she’s trying to navigate her feelings as best she can


Jess is so rude to Dean I can't stand it. Rory is being very naive about the situation. She clearly likes Jess, but she won't admit it. I'm with you on rooting for Dean over Rory even though I understand her. The situation just bothers me. I also hate how people like to imply that Dean is stupid just because he doesn't read a lot of books like Jess and Rory do. I did enjoy Lorelai and Emily though. I like when they get along.


This is one of my favourite episodes. I adore everything about it. Love all the Emily Lorelai stuff, and the awesome Rory,Paris Jess scene. Dean is an angry young man and it’s obviously Rory is getting sick of him and his temper. It concerns me that you are so down on Rory already. This is nothing...just saying. At this point I feel she is a young naive girl navigating relationships fir this first time and making mistakes along the way. It’s believable and realistic. think it’s great tv and Rory and Jess have ten times more chemistry than Rory and Dean ever will. For anyone interested here is an awesome deleted scene from this ep which explains the missing Indian. And how interesting is it that they have Jess and Lorelai say the same comment about the smell. Trying to show how alike they are perhaps. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSVlEA8oFrs


Regarding OneHub: It's been a little hit-and-miss for me on the streaming aspect (one time the video preview hasn't shown up at all, so I couldn't get to play), but it seems to work fine for downloading. I'll still be sticking to Vimeo as long as it works, but OneHub should be a solid backup. And on the episode: The whole Rory/Dean squabble in the first half is too real for me now, as that was a big factor in why I broke up with my last boyfriend. I just really value my alone time, dammit, and don't think I should need an excuse to have it! So while I normally hate Dean anyway, I was EXTRA-against him here, lol. Honestly, watching these episodes now that I'm older, I really don't care for Dean OR Jess. Rory isn't faultless, either, but a lot of her (current) failings come more out of naivete than anything else, which I guess I find to be more forgivable. She's a very sheltered good girl who doesn't have any experience dealing with boys, and she's not handling it well. But yes, she needs to break up with Dean. All her actions as of late just demonstrate how she's losing interest in him, even if she doesn't realize it. I think she's mainly just in denial about what's going on at the moment, because Dean's her first love and she feels like she's "supposed" to be with him.

Marissa Brady

This was a really good episode. However, I cannot stand what Rory is doing to Dean in it. Especially since it's Jess. Jess has no respect for anyone in her town, not even Luke. There is not appealing about his attitude that would make him scream boyfriend material. I really don't get it. Id did thoroughly enjoy the Emily and Lorelai scenes. Rory picked up her mother's bad habits when it comes to men. Neither of them have treated any of their boyfriends with maturity.


100% agree!! Why should she change her plans to make her boyfriend happy - as long as she is happy with how she is planning her evening- and not harming anyone- then that’s enough. It’s her choice how she spends her time!!


I think the problem is they made Rory so “mature” in the beginning that when she actually acts like teenager and makes mistakes it’s odd! At this point it’s obvious that Rory is developing feelings for Jess, they have a lot in common, she likes bad boy in him and he’s actually kind to her! However she does love Dean, but is kind of losing interest, the fandom really loves to hate Dean. But honestly I feel like he’s only acting like a teen would in this situation. A new guy comes to town causing trouble & then he takes a strong interest in his girlfriend. And his girlfriend is not telling Jess to back off or she she’s brushing off certain things that she shouldn’t because she’s actually enjoying the new guy’s company. I get feelings can change and relationships aren’t meant to last forever but a lot of people ignore that Rory is being unfair to Dean. She’s not being honest with him or her self and continues on him a relationship when she’s falling for someone else. Dean has right to be angry, confused and annoyed, he has a bit of a temper but he never laid a hand on her or tried to purposely hurt her or anything. There’s just no communication and that’s what causes these blow ups! Also a few others and don’t think they do a love triangle well, we love the show but it’s annoying how they do things. Both options should have something to offer that makes them attractive suitors but as soon as Jess comes in they take things away from Dean’s character. It’s not mentioned that he’s from Chicago anymore (which was an interesting trait) or that he did fairly well in school, the list goes on. Everything is now used to make Jess more alluring... Ok lol I’m sorry for the novel but I had a lot to say.


Rory wanting alone time isn’t the issue, I explain in my very long comment below how I feel about this whole situation. I am one the few people who like both relationships. Because I think they all came into her life when needed. But Rory is not honest about her feelings about feelings, & the lack of communication is what is annoying. Yeah Rory is 16 but 16 is old enough to know better, they build Rory up to be this mature perfect girl. So when they actually have her act as a teen it feels out of place sometimes. Rory knows that Jess likes her, and she’s starting to develop feelings for too, which is why she wants Lorelai to like him. It would have sucked but she she should have been honest and let Dean go. Yeah Rory didn’t know the other people were coming over but she didn’t tell them leave either. I enjoy Paris and I liked the save and the friendship development so that was a sweet moment. But Dean is constantly trashed for being childish and crazy but Rory’s faults are ignored. Sighs.. lol the point I’m trying to make is Rory wanting alone time is fine & but there’s also nothing wrong with Dean wanting spend a little time with his girlfriend. Dean has a job, school a little sister & ect , Rory has a packed schedule as well, so it’s not like they get a bunch a time.. Also Rory continues to allow the flirting & does her own sure of “innocent” flirting if the tables were turned the guy would be called very name in the book.

Tammy L. Faulkner

Gotta understand... Rory is a teenager, Jess isn't the 1st OTHER guy to give her attention, and as a pretty teen girl, not the last. She cares about Dean and has a lot in common with Jess. I like Dean, I like Jess but they are different and she sees the difference. Personally I don't feel like either is a good match with her. As for the spending a night alone... she should have been able to do so. As an introvert I know exactly what it's like to have that need. I live on my own right now with my cats and don't like the idea of people coming around. If people just popped up outta the blue like Paris, Jess and Dean decided to do when they knew I wanted to be alone I would have lost it a little... all these of them had been wrong to just pop in on her.


the one hub link is not working now just so you know! :)