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Howdy ladies and gents. So I am looking for a 3rd way that you all can watch reactions. Now we already use Vimeo & DropBox but with the number of shows we do and the number of people that watch those reactions it looks like Bandwidth might be an issue going forward. So what I have done to make the bandwidth not be an issue is create 2 additional DropBox accounts which hopefully will help the situation.

So I was thinking of adding another way to help you watch reactions. Now I don't know much about any of these and I'm not even sure if its something that's necessary but I wanted to see if we did add another way to watch if it would be something you would use. 

So below vote on which of these services works best for you and if you would use them or if you would stay with Dropbox & Vimeo because those work well for you. 


D.j. Lachmandas

No vampire diaries reaction this week?


I'd use whatever works

Signe (Seena) Stewart

My vote is for vimeo. Love it. But Google drive is quite good too


I voted for Google drive because if that was an option I would probably try that first, but honestly I just use whatever is working best that day.


It doesn't matter to much except what works for you best. Please decide for yourself, we'll be happy no matter what as long as it doesn't keep you from your regular update schedule.


Yeah I was wondering about the vampire diaries too are we getting this weeks reaction or is it hard to post because of what’s going on? Also I would use whatever works best for you I use Dropbox usually but whatever is easier


When will the second part of Harry Potter be uploaded, will it still be t today? Please let us know cause we keep checking every hour and it is getting tiring.


I voted for Vimeo and Dropbox, but I would use Google Drive or One Hub...whichever works for you.


Aa long as downloading is possible I'm fine with whatever works best for you

DJ Doena

I will use whatever allows me to download the episode instead of streaming it. Other than that I have no preferences.


In my experience Google Drive has a low stream/download limit before being cut off


Whatever works best for you is ok


I want to answer "any"

Sarah Trow

I would use Vimeo 1st but Google Drive would be my backup


I don't mind. I use all of them as I just download them. Use what works best for you.

Amanda S

I would keep trying Vimeo first, but if there was a problem, I'd fall back on one of the other links. (I've never had a problem with Vimeo yet though since you put up that option.)


I didn't vote because it doesn't matter to me. I'd probably try Vimeo out drop box first out of habit but I'd use whatever service you would have them in

Catherine Thurmond

I havent had a problem with Vimeo. That's primary what I use so as long as you have that I'm fine with what ever else you feel you need to do or dont do.💜


I use google drive to store my Reactions