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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


paige bloomer

I'm really excited that you decided to watch this! I loved this spin off and was super bummed that it only lasted a season. It's super underrated and the characters and development of their dynamics really got me hooked.


It’s definitely a cool concept, I didn’t actually finish the season so I’m kinda excited to see how it ends. But there is a lot of confusion with like the timeline because Alice was in Wonderland as a child.. she came back they all think she’s crazy but then she goes back to Wonderland for proof? Why does she come back to the real world? There’s definitely more to be discovered. Also, when does Will actually leave Storybrooke to go help Alice? We saw in the most recent episode of Once that Snow pardoned him.. so maybe it was after that? Idk I’m not really sure. Was Cora the Queen of Hearts when Alice went as a child? Obviously Cora isn’t the Queen of Hearts anymore because she dies but why does this “Red Queen” become the Queen? Lol I think I’m going too deep (down the rabbit hole🤪😂) .. it was after all just the pilot, but I do hope to see more!

Paul Fisher

I enjoyed this show and loved your reaction but your audio intermittently dropped out several times. I hope you will react to the entire series. To answer your question about Will, he is both Will Scarlett from "The Adventures of Robin Hood" and the Knave of Hearts from "Alice in Wonderland." They are continuing the OUAT tradition of letting a character in the show represent characters from multiple stories, just as Rumplestilskin in OUAT is not only the eponymous character from his story but also the crocodile from "Peter Pan" and he served as Cinderella's fairy godmother. Or, as Peter Pan was also the Pied Piper

Paul Fisher

The Red Queen is from "Through the Looking Glass," the 1871 sequel to "Alice in Wonderland." We've seen elements of both books in OUAT, as when Regina sent Cora to Wonderland by pushing her through a looking glass. Like you, I loved the chemistry between Alice and Cyrus. I hope Cyrus will grow on you. I agree that they didn't give much to Jafar in this episode but Naveen Andrews' performance as Jafar is one of my favorites from the later episodes, as is Michael Socha's Knave of Hearts. There is some very good character development in this show but it takes a while to get under way.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you so much for a great first reaction for Once Upon a Time in Wonderland!!! I really had a lot of fun watching this show again with you. Now... I haven't watched this spinoff since it first aired on TV back in 2013 and 2014. And when I watched it then... I felt the same way you did about the show's visuals and story concept. However, I did like a few of the characters, and I especially loved the connection to Once Upon a Time. I loved seeing Grumpy and Ashley, and I loved seeing Emma's yellow bug, Granny's Diner, and the Clocktower. Honestly... I do not remember a whole lot of this spinoff series from watching it the first time. So, I am definitely interested in watching it again with you. I would love it if you continued to react to the rest of the episodes. Now... watching this first episode again, I do feel that I enjoyed it more this second time around, then I did back then. However, I still agree with you that visually, the effects aren't nearly as good as they are in Once Upon a Time. You can tell that this spinoff wasn't given a very big budget to work with. Also... I'm still not a fan of the Red Queen... or at least the actress who plays her... Emma Rigby. I love the idea of her character, as she is the Red Queen, who became the next Queen of Wonderland after Cora, the Queen of Hearts left Wonderland upon joining with Hook to get to Storybrooke. I wanted to like her, but I don't like how Emma Rigby plays her character. She's boring, breathy, and not at all intimidating. She's a very boring villain. As for Alice and Cyrus... I think their characters are fine. They don't stand out to me at all, but I agree that they do share good chemistry. Sophie Lowe as Alice is just okay. Although, to me she just doesn't really feel like Alice from Alice in Wonderland. Not the way that I would picture Alice to be like. And Cyrus is played by Peter Gadiot. He is once again, just another random Genie from Agrabah... not the Genie from Aladdin. Given that Jafar is also a villain within this show... I would have preferred it if he was the actual Genie, especially since Sidney Glass in Once Upon a Time is also just a random Genie from Agrabah as well. I also feel that it's a strange idea that a number of characters from Agrabah would be a part of a show that is set within Wonderland. However, if I remember correctly... this should get explained later on. At least, I hope so. As for the characters I really like... In Once Upon a Time, I wasn't always a fan of Will Scarlet, also known as the Knave of Hearts here in Once Upon a Time in Wonderland, who is played by actor... Michael Socha. I always thought he was just too goofy and kind of boring. Although, whenever he played alongside certain characters in Once Upon a Time, he is that much more enjoyable to watch for me. I love seeing him play off of Hook, Robin Hood, and Mary Margaret... their scene together recently shown in your latest reaction of Once Upon a Time... Breaking Glass. But with that being said... watching Will again more and more since I've begun rewatching Once Upon a Time and Once Upon a Time in Wonderland with you now, I've grown to like Will more than I ever did when these shows both first aired. He's a lot funnier to me, in the best way possible. And I am definitely curious and excited to be reminded of his history in Wonderland. I remember some of his story, but not all of it. And as for Jafar... I love the actor chosen to play him. Naveen Andrews. I've never watched Lost, but I have seen him in a number of other shows and I've always really liked him a lot. You're right that his character so far in this episode wasn't great. But he does absolutely get better over time. He definitely grows into Jafar. Also... I love that Jafar is the major villain in this series, and not the Red Queen. And as for the White Rabbit... I totally forgot he was voiced by John Lithgow, who I absolutely love as an actor. He's hilarious. So hearing him voice the White Rabbit was a pleasant surprise and I like him very much. Although... I also agree with you that it would have been better if learning he was working with the Red Queen was more of a reveal later on in the series. Overall... I really enjoyed your reaction for this Pilot episode and for the most part, it was pretty entertaining. I love the concept of Alice having been a prisoner within an asylum after her multiple trips to Wonderland in search of proof of magic so she can prove to her father and the people in the real world that magic is real. I also love the concept of the three wishes Alice has in her possession, one of which she has promised to Will in exchange for his help to find and save Cyrus. I like that they appear as tiny ruby jewels, which isn't a concept from Once Upon a Time. And I also like that Jafar is seeking them as well, using Cyrus as leverage against Alice and Will so he can get his hands on them. I would absolutely to see the rest of the episodes through your reactions should you should to watch the rest of this show for us too. Thank you again, so much! Until next time, my friend...


YES YES YES!! I AM SO HAPPY YOU ARE REACTING TO IT!! It's a little cheesy in some places, but its just a really good show overall. (especially in the second half of the season) In the Wonderland books, there are three Queens, the Queen of Hearts (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland) and the Red and White Queen. (Through the Looking Glass) The Queen in this is the Red Queen. A Knave is basically the same thing as a Jack in a deck of cards. (Thats actually what the Hearts Royals are based on whereas the Red and White are based on a Chessboard) They are a servant to the Royals.who are usually dishonest and roguish. I love Alice, Cyrus, and the Queen but I have to say the Knave and Jafar are the highlights of this show. If you keep watching you will see why. After having Naveen as Jafar the one in the live-action Aladdin never quite lived up to his version for me. I felt like I was spoiled with how a well-acted Jafar could be. I'm Rambling, sorry xD Thank you for reviewing one of my favorites spinoffs!


I’m excited to see more reactions of this in the future!! I love this show. :)


Oh the White Rabbit is the Trinity Killer from Dexter. That's a surprise! You asked about the Knave of hearts. It's from the nursery rhyme "The Queen of Hearts" in it the line goes "The Knave of Hearts he stole those tarts and took them clean away." Aka he stole from the queen of hearts. I'll keep watching this series. I never finished it before. I'm really glad you're watching this series. Also sorry I posted this twice. I accidentally posted it to Glee.