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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Brianna Dawson

Jess didn't really steal it, he picked it up off the dock after his picnic with Rory during the basket buying episode "A-Tisket, A-Tasket" . I think he kept it because it reminded him of her, he was shown twirling it around his finger while on the phone with her at the end of that episode. Then when he saw her panic this episode he returned it. I can't help but love Jess, he's one of my favourite characters. Enjoyed your reaction, especially to Kirk and his haggling.


I find the whole bracelet thing very interesting. I had honestly forgotten that Rory had dropped on the bridge, but regardless Jess made a good point. She didn’t even notice it was missing until Dean pointed it out two whole weeks later. That doesn’t look good. Anyway, this episode makes me laugh a lot especially scenes between Jess and Luke. Loved watching them apartment hunt together 😂


Yep! Like everyone else said, Jess basically found the bracelet on the bridge and kept it because it was Rory's and he wanted something of hers to cherish. I love digging into Jess' character so much! He's acting all tough and mean all the time, I'd say as a defense mechanism (can't be hurt or betrayed by those who are not close to him), yet he'll show signs here and there that he's just a teenage boy that cares and has feelings just like everybody else! He's just not that good at showing it to others ):


I remembered the bracelet in the review. It’s a very oh shit I remember moment lol


I really enjoy this show but I'm dreading some of the upcoming things. I wish Rory was as naive as she seems sometimes. Anytime they show her being all pro Jess right after a scene where they have Dean being perfectly considerate and thoughtful it's like they're twisting a knife :(


I am just not a fan of Jess. I get that he is a kid and he's struggling but I just hate how he talks to Lorelai. I think Rory definitely knows that he likes her and she likes him back which is why she wants him and Lorelai to get along so badly. I love Luke he is hilarious. I love any scene when he is with Lorelai because their banter is amazing.

Tendai kangas

I think you are giving Rory too much dare I say credit? yes she is being naive but she is supposed to be, she has never seen jess be a jerk since he has never been a jerk to her. So why should she know better. I like the conversation between Luke and jess, they are like a male version of lorelai and Rory in their own way. Jess is going through some rough times and is clearly just a teen who just doesn't want to be there

Mariella Nilsson

Got to disaggree🧐He stole it. He picked it up and could have given it back when they hung out all that afternoon. If it was her Wallet, it would be steeling, if it was a gold something, it would be steeling. If i dropped something and a friend saw it, picked it up and keep it, it would be steeling. It is not his, it is hers.

Mariella Nilsson

i agree! i wish he wasn’t so sneaky, he only Speaks that way to Lorelai when rory ot Luke can’t hear it. I always wondered how Rory would react if she heard how he spoke to her mother!


Agree with most of you. Jess just wanted to have something of Rory, and as soon as she freaked out and knew it was from Dean he put it straight back. Of course a 17 year old boy is never going to admit mooning over a girls bracelet. One thing I love in this episode is how Rory told both her mother and Jess that it was important to her that they got along, and both in turn did try...to make Rory happy. Shame it went to crap because they are both so similiar. Another iconic Jess and Luke moment at the end there, one of my favourites relationships these 2 guys.

Valencia Lanier

Yes, Jess found it on the dock. He saw it fell off her wrist. Why didn't he just say, here you dropped your bracelet? It's creepy he kept something of hers without her permission. Now if she said I'll get it from you later or you can hold it for me, meaning she wants him to keep something of hers, then cool. Rory not knowing it was missing doesn't justify that he kept something of hers without her permission.

s jaco

This is one of my favourite episodes of season 2, I just love the Jess and Luke scenes, and the Jess and Rory scenes. The like-like conversation is just genius. You've already seen the next episode, but that is one of my faves too. I might be a bit biased because I love Jess and I used to ship Literati (Jess and Rory's ship name) so, so hard.